New SA Archives & History Committee

In 2018 the SA Board of Trustees established the SA Archives and History Committee [A&HC] to collect and catalog records of the origin and development of the SA Fellowship. The A&HC mission is: “to preserve the history of SA, to document the memories of our members and make this information accessible to SA members and other researchers [in order] to provide a context for understanding of SA’s progression, principles and traditions.”

The A&HC will oversee a process that began in the late 1970s with the emergence of Sexaholics Anonymous as a program of recovery from sex and lust addiction. The task calls for cataloging and storing existing records as well as the gathering of additional stories of early members and groups. The SA International Central Office will continue to serve as a physical location for the storage of hard copies and audio files. In time, however, the work of A&HC will necessitate the acquisition of additional space, equipment, and professional services. These additional resources also are required of many long-time SA members, in the United States and overseas, who seek a central location to store records of their early SA recovery that are relevant to the SA fellowship.

Meanwhile beginnings are being made at the Intergroup-level on the gathering of valuable histories of members and groups. The need for action on this requirement, among other considerations, recently was made clear with the passing of Ray S., known in SA as “Tucson Ray.” Ray was a charter member of the SA Correctional Facilities Committee, and became the first sexaholic to carry the SA message to incarcerated members before, during, and after their incarceration. Ray shared his experience, strength and hope in carrying the SA message in recorded interviews with SA members at his home in Tucson in April of last year. A month later Ray was diagnosed with cancer; he passed away on June 21, but not before passing on his invaluable accounts of a lifetime of service to the Fellowship.

The A&HC currently is making appeals through SA Intergroups for additional stories from early members. The SA Board of Trustees recently approved guidance on the collection of histories, including suggested questions for early members who are willing and qualified to share their personal and group histories. Copies of the questionnaires can also be downloaded from the website or may be requested from

A word on the Traditions:  The committee asks all members who support this project, whether in the form of seeking histories or providing interviews or records, to keep paramount SA’s legacies of recovery unity, and service. In the spirit of the 12th Tradition, the committee encourages all participating members to respect anonymity, which is the spiritual foundation of SA’s 12 Traditions, reminding us to place principles before personalities.

SA Archives and History Committee

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