What’s Going On in SA

Report of the General Delegate Assembly
July 2013, Baltimore, MD

Dear Fellow SA Members:

The General Delegate Assembly met on Thursday and Friday, July 18-19, prior to the July convention. Attendees included Delegates, Alternates, Trustees, Trustee nominees, representatives from SAICO, and observers.

General Delegate Assembly Actions

  • Adopted 2014 budget, as shown on the following page. Note that this is a deficit budget; success in meeting our obligation to carry the message depends on us being truly self-supporting, according to Tradition Seven. (See “Note from the Finance Chair.”)
  • Approved committee procedures and forms for better tracking activities among the Trustees, Delegates, and committees. This action should result in greater clarity, accountability, and completion of service projects.
  • Re-affirmed four Trustees for another year of service: Jerry L., Laura W., George F., and Bob H. Elected two new Trustee: Laurens A., and Denny B. (non-sexaholic).
  • Elected Gary L. as Delegate Chair, and Tom K. as Vice Chair

Recognition of Members Rotating Off

We wish to thank retiring Trustee, Betsy T., and retiring Delegate, Mike S., for your many years of service to our fellowship.

Updates on Current Projects

The IT committee has developed an E-literature prototype prepared for most e-book readers. The prototype needs a copyright and contract, plus a few other tweaks before publication. More information regarding this or other reports can be found in the full minutes report, to be published after approval at the October GDA Teleconference. See your Delegate for a copy.

Committee Requests

Several opportunities for service were identified. Members interested in stepping up your service work, please contact the following committees:

  • Literature: Writers of Meditations
  • International: Writers of letters to those isolated from meetings, phone, fax, and Internet. Members to sponsor internationally through the Buddies list or Sisters list. Members who speak languages other than English to sponsor, translate, edit, or help.
  • SA CFC: Members to help prisoners work the Steps through letter writing

I look forward to serving as the new Chair of the GDA, and I am grateful for the opportunity to work with such wonderful people as I have encountered at every level of service in SA.

Gary L., GDA Chair

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