In Every Issue


Dear Essay, Sometimes my HP speaks to me through gentle moments of awareness, coincidences and “synchronicity,” which make me smile and say, “There you are! Thanks for that!” Of course there are times (usually when I’m stuck in my ego) when He needs to poke me in the forehead … hard! But every once in a while, I receive a rare gift when He reaches into my heart and surrounds me with His love and acceptance –a feeling of absolute clarity and certainty of his presence.

By |2023-10-16T15:05:22-05:00February 14, 2022|Comments Off on Dear ESSAY


The CFC committee is declaring 2022 to be the Year of CFC. The purpose of this declaration is to highlight the importance of the work which CFC does to help our friends in prison and to bring attention and garner support by the SA membership.

By |2024-04-18T13:13:45-05:00February 14, 2022|Comments Off on SA CFC

Editors’ Corner

Dear Essay readers, Could Roy K. have imagined how Essay would look like when he wrote a letter to the fellowship in 1981? Gradually his letters turned into a newsletter containing sobriety insights and comments, as well as sharing from other SAs, and information on new groups, conventions, etc. Our 1990 book Recovery Continues contains twenty-four of Roy’s reflections from the early Essays.

By |2024-07-03T14:17:06-05:00December 13, 2021|Comments Off on Editors’ Corner


Dear Essay, I am an incarcerated member due to my lust/pornography addiction, sober by the grace of God and SA since Dec 11, 2019. I have been very blessed to remain in contact with my SA sponsor allowing me to complete the Steps and start working on the Traditions. Many sexaholics in prison are not as blessed as I am.

By |2024-07-12T13:52:58-05:00December 13, 2021|Comments Off on SA CFC


Dear Essay, I was so grateful when I saw the August magazine titled “Supporting Women in SA.” Topics such as getting a sponsor, working the steps, mixed meetings, boundaries, service, and participating in the fellowship reminded me of my journey to recovery.

By |2024-08-23T14:22:01-05:00October 14, 2021|Comments Off on Dear ESSAY

Editors’ Corner

Dear Essay readers, As we considered our options for the “old-timers” theme of this edition, we looked firstly at limiting ourselves to articles from members with 30+ years’ sobriety—all but one of these would be from the US, but thought this too narrow. Therefore, we decided to broaden the review, taking articles from members who are not simply sober for years, but that each of them would have either the longest sobriety or be a pioneer in his/her country.

By |2023-09-14T13:37:33-05:00October 14, 2021|Comments Off on Editors’ Corner