To Essay: I just wanted to write and express my thanks to you for putting Dick O.’s story Free As A Bird in the online Essay May 2018 and on What an honor! I only wish Dick were alive to see it.
To Essay: I just wanted to write and express my thanks to you for putting Dick O.’s story Free As A Bird in the online Essay May 2018 and on What an honor! I only wish Dick were alive to see it.
Dear Essay readers: This issue of Essay includes many stories on “Open Mindedness.” Our next issue in August 2019 will focus on SA At 40 Years! Please send in any stories or short articles on your experience with SA At 40 Years! Future topics are October, 2019: Freedom Behind Bars; December, 2019 “Miracles In Recovery” Let us hear from you at
A brief SA CFC report: I visited with the Israeli CFC committee (ICFC) and discussed utilizing SA for released prisoners. While there is some support, the rules of the Israeli prison structure condone only officially sanctioned offender programs. SA is not one of them. ICFC is determined to continue identifying potential allies who might be able to bring SA’s message to the bureaucracy.
The SA Fellowship continues to grow in multiple dimensions. While this growth may be challenging to the budgeting process, it is welcome as a result of the Fellowship’s on-going services to carry the message to those who still suffer.
Harvey and his wife had a destination planned for an SA event. God had other plans.
Dear Sir or Madam, Many thanks for putting ESSAY on the internet for us to have free download.
Dear Essay readers: This issue of Essay includes many stories on “Sobriety and Relationships.” Our next issue in May 2019 will focus on “Open Mindedness.” Please send in any stories or short articles on your experience with Open Mindedness in sobriety. Future topics are August, 2019: SA At 40 Years! October, 2019: Prison Issue. Let us hear from you at
Recently I asked the Illinois Department of Corrections for permission to start a Sexaholics Anonymous meeting. They denied my request, saying that they use a research-based model in the treatment of addictions. I was dismayed. While there are many components in an addiction, there definitely is a spiritual aspect. Can research be made on a process that takes place in the heart?
Your SA International Central Office continues to grow in personnel and in service to the SA Fellowship. Groups and Intergroups that can donate to SAICO make this possible. Subscribing to the print Essay is a vital outreach tool. Thank you!
In My Story – I Will Be Okay the author describes some tough beginnings and how he fought using our program tools.