SACFC is dedicated to carrying the message of SA recovery to incarcerated sexaholics. We provide the literature commonly used for doing Twelve Step work to members, groups, and Intergroups who work with people in correctional facilities.
SACFC is dedicated to carrying the message of SA recovery to incarcerated sexaholics. We provide the literature commonly used for doing Twelve Step work to members, groups, and Intergroups who work with people in correctional facilities.
Dear Fellow SA Members: I’ve asked Dave Mc., Finance Committee member, to take my space this month to provide a brief overview of the 2008-2009 budget. We are grateful for the service of all Finance Committee members.
Dear Fellow SA Members: I’m grateful that more women have been attending SA meetings in recent years. By participating in this fellowship, women get to experience the same benefits of SA recovery as men do.
CFC offers assistance to those who carry the message of Twelve Step recovery into the prisons. During the past year, we have responded to requests for literature and for help in starting prison meetings from many different states and other countries.
The General Delegate Assembly met on Thursday and Friday prior to the July convention in Akron, Ohio. Attendees included 13 Delegates, five Alternates, three Trustees, one representative from SAICO, and several observers.
Dear Fellow SA Members: I look forward to seeing many of you at the Convention July 11-13 in Akron, and I hope that you will attend the SA business meeting (“SA Today”), which will be held during the convention.
Member Reactions to Lust Questionnaire Findings What do these findings signify about where we are as a fellowship in lust recovery?
Dear Fellow SA Members: I would like to explain the process of selecting SA Delegates and Trustees. Selection of Delegates begins at the group level. Individual SA groups elect representatives to serve them at their Intergroup, Intergroups elect Representatives to represent them at the Regional Level, and Regions elect Delegates to the General Assembly.
I’m Larry H. from Pittsburgh, PA. I’ve been elected as Chair of SA’s General Delegate Assembly. This fellowship is very important to me and my recovery, as well as to my family. I’ve been a member of SA for over 19 years. My sobriety date is 9/1/88.
Some time ago I wrote to SA and requested your “Sponsor by Mail” service. I received a letter from a member of SA who is now my sponsor.