In Every Issue

What’s Going On in SA

Service work is the greatest gift you can give another sexaholic. This is the practical application of the Seventh Tradition in its purest form. We give money to keep the facilities going; we give of ourselves to keep the fellowship going.

By |2025-01-07T15:03:24-06:00September 2, 2002|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA

Editor’s Corner

Dear ESSAY Reader, With two new brochures (To the Newcomer and SA as a Resource for Professionals), a third one on the way (regarding Lust), and our collections of stories and practical experience in the two volumes of the Quintessential Essay, our Fellowship is entering a new phase of its growth. Our hope is that our literature will pass on the Twelve Step program handed to us.

By |2025-01-07T15:03:19-06:00September 2, 2002|Comments Off on Editor’s Corner


Dear Editor, I thought this report from Paul H. might be included in the next ESSAY.

By |2025-01-07T15:04:22-06:00June 3, 2002|Comments Off on SA CFC


Dear Editor, Thank you for sending the ESSAY. I continue to read them and what has happened in other people's lives. I want to thank you for keeping me informed and I want to wish you the best.

By |2025-01-07T15:04:18-06:00June 3, 2002|Comments Off on Dear ESSAY

What’s Going On in SA

SAICO is pleased and proud to announce the addition of a new piece of literature for the fellowship.

By |2025-01-07T15:04:12-06:00June 3, 2002|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA

Editor’s Corner

Dear ESSAY Reader, As we move toward summer and possible vacation plans, we hope you will take this issue of the ESSAY along on your travels. Like our sister publication The Grapevine, our goal is that you will be taking a “meeting in print” with you. With ESSAY contributions from you, sharing the experience and hope of your recovery in Sexaholics Anonymous, each issue can move closer to reaching that goal.

By |2025-01-07T15:04:08-06:00June 3, 2002|Comments Off on Editor’s Corner


Sponsor-by-Mail Service Keith S., MI, the coordinator of this service, reports that there are currently 177 inmates from 30 states that are being sponsored by 49 SA members. The number of inmates participating in the service has almost doubled since the end of June 2001.

By |2025-01-07T15:05:11-06:00March 3, 2002|Comments Off on SA CFC


I have been a member of SA since 1993. I receive a tremendous boost in my recovery by attending open AA meetings. In fact, I attend more AA meetings than SA meetings. Part of that is because of two particular differences between AA and SA: length of meetings, and stating length of sobriety.

By |2025-01-08T14:44:52-06:00March 3, 2002|Comments Off on Dear ESSAY

What’s Going On in SA

Brief summary and main motions passed: That this Delegate Assembly approves the inclusion and publication in SA Fellowship-approved literature, the wording “in SA’s sobriety definition the word ‘spouse’ refers to one’s partner in a marriage between a man and a woman.”

By |2025-01-07T15:05:03-06:00March 3, 2002|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA

Editor’s Corner

Dear ESSAY Reader, Thank you for reading this issue of ESSAY, our Fellowship’s quarterly magazine. Our hope is that ESSAY can increasingly reflect the breadth of sobriety and recovery in SA and also be a “meeting in print.” Here we can share our experience, strength and hope with one another as part of our Twelfth Step work.

By |2025-01-07T15:04:59-06:00March 3, 2002|Comments Off on Editor’s Corner