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The Challenge Of Getting Sober, Again

In March 2018, I had been sober for about three years ... I relapsed. It took me completely by surprise. Later, when making my inventory about it, I could see that the disease, very cunningly, had slowly conquered its way back in. From time to time I had purposely let short lust thoughts in, which I did not completely surrender.

By |2023-11-06T12:26:41-06:00October 3, 2020|Comments Off on The Challenge Of Getting Sober, Again

My Biggest Challenge is My “Stinking Thinking”

My mind, my thinking, is sick. It creates continuously judgments and prejudices. These are distorted ideas and beliefs about what is right and what is wrong. I judge the events in my life and believe they should have been different. I judge other people, I judge myself, I judge God. I cannot trust my thinking or judgement.

By |2023-11-06T12:26:15-06:00October 3, 2020|Comments Off on My Biggest Challenge is My “Stinking Thinking”

Out Of Small Things, Big Things Grow

I started my SA story in a rural town in Australia. There were no SA meetings near me at the time. Being a sexaholic in a rural area is very challenging because there is a bad stigma attached to sex addiction. There was a Royal commission into sex abuse in the church. There are a lot of old world views where sex addiction is seen as something bad; something that doesn’t belong in our community.

By |2023-11-06T12:26:06-06:00October 3, 2020|Comments Off on Out Of Small Things, Big Things Grow

They Will Point You Out, They Will Judge You

In 2014 I first heard about the program of SA. I identified myself with it, I knew I needed it, but I did not dare take the step and join the program. There were many prejudices in me that prevented me from doing so. I was afraid: I thought they were going to judge me and condemn me since I was leading a double life, a double moral standard.

By |2024-08-23T15:03:06-05:00October 3, 2020|Comments Off on They Will Point You Out, They Will Judge You

Religion Versus Program

When I joined the SA fellowship, I was afraid that it may have been a sect and incompatible with my faith. I wanted it to be a fellowship endorsed by the Church to which I belonged. But I saw members around me who were sober and that was what kept me coming back to meetings.

By |2023-11-06T12:25:41-06:00October 3, 2020|Comments Off on Religion Versus Program

Freedom From Prejudice

The Cambridge English Dictionary defines “Prejudice” as follows: an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge.

By |2024-08-23T15:02:44-05:00October 2, 2020|Comments Off on Freedom From Prejudice

Sobriety, My No. 1 Priority

After seven years of sobriety I relapsed. I called my sponsor, dreading his reaction. He was kind but very clear. One of the things he told me was to take stock of all program actions I normally practiced. Had I been practicing them? Were there some I had stopped doing or only doing occasionally?

By |2023-11-01T14:25:09-05:00October 1, 2020|Comments Off on Sobriety, My No. 1 Priority

We Are Not A Glum Lot

One of the most effective Practical Tools is humor. I have been sober for a long time. I tried to give my recovery knowledge away like a fire hose. I realized I was overwhelming newcomers with way too much information at one time. I slowed it down to a garden hose.

By |2023-11-01T11:43:55-05:00October 1, 2020|Comments Off on We Are Not A Glum Lot