June 2001

Grow Old With Me


Recently inquiries were sent to all prison inmates who have requested correspondence from SA members. Inquiries were also sent to all SA members who have offered to write inmates. The results of these inquiries are as follows: 25 SA members are actively corresponding with 67 inmates in 20 states.

By |2025-01-13T12:36:34-06:00June 9, 2001|Comments Off on SA CFC


Recently, I was listening to a tape from a recent International Conference. The speaker on the tape talked about things they found helpful in their recovery. They spoke of attending meetings, having a sponsor, Step work, phone calls, etc. This all seemed, to me, like good SA information.

By |2025-01-13T12:36:30-06:00June 9, 2001|Comments Off on Dear ESSAY

What’s Going On in SA

The Literature Committee has announced that work has begun on a new SA book. The working title is “A Twelve and Twelve for SA.” The Sponsoring Editor will be working first on Steps One through Four. Members who would like to share in writing their thoughts about these steps are encouraged to send their manuscripts to Central Office.

By |2025-01-13T12:36:25-06:00June 9, 2001|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA

Editor’s Corner

The ESSAY strives to be a source of experience, strength, and hope to sexaholics as one part of our Fellowship’s Twelfth Step work. The ESSAY is also a source of information about Fellowship activities and needs. The ESSAY is issued four times per year. Expanding the ESSAY’s circulation will also expand the range of articles, letters to the editor, and special sections to benefit our readers.

By |2025-01-13T12:36:21-06:00June 9, 2001|Comments Off on Editor’s Corner

A Contract for Sobriety

Shortly after I entered Sexaholics Anonymous some fellow sexaholics mentioned making a “daily contract” for sobriety. During the first few weeks of sobriety I hardly needed a contract. I was so scared and miserable that sobriety was my only option. My second marriage was near an end, my acting out would cause me to quickly lose my job and I simply felt hopeless.

By |2025-01-13T12:36:13-06:00June 9, 2001|Comments Off on A Contract for Sobriety

God Works in Small Towns, Too!

I live in a small town. For a year, I drove 85 miles one way to an SA meeting, and I still do so. I had wanted to start a meeting for a while, but how was I going to get the word out and who would come to this kind of meeting? I had been going to various other 12-Step meetings to hear the Steps and recovery. I got frustrated because all they talked about was drinking, drinking, drinking, and that was not MY problem!

By |2025-01-13T12:36:09-06:00June 9, 2001|Comments Off on God Works in Small Towns, Too!

A Richness Can Grow Within

It’s hard for me to talk about the benefits of maintaining sexual sobriety. But I can compare it to some things in the natural world.

By |2025-01-13T12:36:06-06:00June 9, 2001|Comments Off on A Richness Can Grow Within

Conference Highlights

The SA/S-Anon International Convention, held in Orange in January 2001, was one of the most successful ever. Attendance reached an all-time high. Participants were enthusiastic in their praise of the setting, the sharing and the fellowship.

By |2025-01-13T12:36:01-06:00June 9, 2001|Comments Off on Conference Highlights

Grow Old With Me

I had to face the fact that in my marriage I didn’t know what intimacy without sex looked like. I was always seeking to create intimacy so I could get my wife to have sex with me. Just like I did with the girlfriends that preceded her. Our sexual encounters usually came out of the “connect with me and make me whole” syndrome. They created a false intimacy that soon evaporated, often leaving exposed the underlying emotions that made us feel like we had to be sexual with one another in the first place. And I was usually left with a craving for more….

By |2025-01-13T12:35:57-06:00June 9, 2001|Comments Off on Grow Old With Me