September 2006

Making Amends

The “Yes Dear” Program

Before joining the Program, I didn’t realize how mean I was to my wife. It’s not that she’s perfect; after all, she married me. But something would happen, I’d get angry because something wasn’t going right, and I’d yell at her. I’d often blame her for things she had nothing to do with. Or I’d just yell at her because I was upset.

By |2024-09-17T14:05:21-05:00September 12, 2006|Comments Off on The “Yes Dear” Program

Making Amends

I have amends to make to some people. A few years ago, I abused four women, and I hurt two others for terribly selfish reasons. The four women were prostitutes. They were working in that abusive industry here in my own locality. Two were on the street, one was listed in the classified ads, and one worked in a “studio,” a sanitized name for a brothel.

By |2024-09-17T14:05:16-05:00September 12, 2006|Comments Off on Making Amends