In Memoriam

Sylvia J. — The Passing of a Legend

It is with heavy heart that we announce the passing of Sylvia J. on October 10, 2024. Sylvia, a most-beloved sponsor and friend to many, was sober 41 years and was still taking sponsee calls while on her deathbed. She was a pillar in the structure of SA alongside Roy K. and Jesse L.

By |2024-12-26T10:05:57-06:00December 20, 2024|Comments Off on Sylvia J. — The Passing of a Legend


In response to the previous ESSAY edition, I wanted to share the following. I once asked Roy K. what he boiled recovery down to. He answered without hesitating, looking me right in the eye. "Stay sober, work your steps, and watch what God does."

By |2024-08-23T12:13:25-05:00April 13, 2024|Comments Off on Dear ESSAY

His Sober Dignity Lives On As a Beacon

Roy K. saved my life, just as his inspirations and guidance have helped save most of our lives. Roy gave me hope, something I had lost a decade prior to meeting him. Roy helped me find my soul, my conscience, my humanity, my spirituality, and my Higher Power.

By |2024-08-23T12:09:43-05:00February 1, 2024|Comments Off on His Sober Dignity Lives On As a Beacon

The Daily Sobriety Renewal

Jim Egan played a big role in my early SA years. I loved his shares, which were always a loving, humble meander. I’m grateful to have learned from his shares to be loving and humble myself. Always with a smile on his face, he also helped me feel comfortable at the SA International Conventions I attended.

By |2024-08-23T12:10:03-05:00February 1, 2024|Comments Off on The Daily Sobriety Renewal

The Legend Passes

At some point in 2011 I remember hearing about this fellow named David who was sober 25 years and could quote the Big Book, chapter and verse, and worked with a bunch of people as a counselor and as a sponsor. I got online and found a website where I could purchase old recordings from past SA conventions.

By |2024-08-23T12:10:15-05:00January 20, 2024|Comments Off on The Legend Passes

The True Share Is What You Have to Give Away

There is a saying that goes something like this, “Not by argument will you change a person’s mind but by telling them a good story.” How true this is when speaking of Dave T. when he shared his experience, strength, and hope.

By |2024-08-23T12:10:30-05:00January 20, 2024|Comments Off on The True Share Is What You Have to Give Away


One of the early members of the Correctional Facilities Committee (CFC) was Ray S. from Tucson, Arizona, who is better known in our program as “Tucson Ray.” He started the Sponsors-by-Mail (SbM) program in Arizona by “offering it single-handedly for some seven years.” He developed a format for this outreach to people in prison that is still used today by those who write to men and women in prison.

By |2024-08-23T12:10:39-05:00January 20, 2024|Comments Off on SA CFC