SA Stories

The Key to a Happy and Joyous Freedom

There was a time when I wondered why God brought me into this world. I always felt that my life was meaningless. I had such difficulty fitting in and belonging anywhere. My childhood was very difficult, full of traumas. I could never understand why I had to go through it all or what purpose all that pain served. Lust entered my life at age six when a family member sexually abused me.

By |2023-09-08T15:34:01-05:00December 6, 2022|Comments Off on The Key to a Happy and Joyous Freedom

The Better Way to Get to Heaven

“I swear, this is it. This is the final straw. The last time I’m giving in to this disgusting, awful habit. The last time I’m degrading myself and letting down the people I love. I’m done.” Those were the thoughts playing in my head as I pondered the weight of that in which I had just indulged. Shame and inferiority swept over me in waves, leaving me desperate for some glimpse of rescue.

By |2023-09-08T16:01:10-05:00September 27, 2022|Comments Off on The Better Way to Get to Heaven

We Are as Sick as Our Secrets

Before coming into SA, I didn’t believe that lust was a big deal for me. I had masturbated all my life, sometimes using pornography. When my addiction was in full swing, I was acting out with other men four to six times a month. I was living what I thought was a successful double life—on one hand a successful educator, father, husband, and church leader, and on the other a committed sex addict.

By |2023-09-08T16:14:30-05:00August 2, 2022|Comments Off on We Are as Sick as Our Secrets

I’m Growing Into a Sort of Emotional Adulthood

I'm a member from the UK and I'm a sexaholic. I acted out with pornography, masturbation, prostitution, adultery, promiscuity, sexualizing men, women, children, animals and objects, voyeurism and exhibitionism, romantic fantasy, sexual intrigue, and emotional affairs. And by the grace of God and the program of Sexaholics Anonymous, I haven't had to do any of that stuff for over 27 years and for that I am incredibly grateful.

By |2024-05-06T12:39:58-05:00May 30, 2022|Comments Off on I’m Growing Into a Sort of Emotional Adulthood

Giving for Free and for Fun

When I came into the program, it was suggested I find a sponsor. I was told a sponsor would help me one-on-one to go through the Steps, and I should either take someone who meets “I want what he has’’ or simply look around at the end of the meeting for the first person who raises his hand when asked “Who is available to sponsor?”

By |2023-09-06T12:46:04-05:00April 30, 2022|Comments Off on Giving for Free and for Fun