Steps & Traditions

Promoting Businesses in SA (Tradition 6)

I love making candy. As with any interest of mine, it grew into a real passion. People encouraged me to create a candy business, which I tried...and failed. (I’m not a very good businessman.) It was during this period of time, though, that I was experimenting on various recipes and frequently offered samples (and made sales) to folks at work, Church, in our neighborhood and at meetings.

By |2024-04-14T14:03:37-05:00August 9, 2019|Comments Off on Promoting Businesses in SA (Tradition 6)

Am I Willing To Go To Any Length?

I found myself fully confronted with this question back when I started working the Steps in earnest with a sponsor. Up until that time, I had been willing to settle for periodic “lengths” of sobriety. Because I’m an addict and quite insane when I’m lusting, I had figured that was good enough. I believed I could fight against lust.

By |2024-08-25T14:16:00-05:00May 11, 2019|Comments Off on Am I Willing To Go To Any Length?

I Walked Through the Doors: Steps 4, 5, 6

When I walked through these doors, all I knew was that I had screwed up, got caught, and wanted to get out of my predicament. My wife was ready to end 38 years of marriage and be rid of me—and my mood swings, impatience and insatiable demands for sex. I got a sponsor and began the Steps.

By |2024-06-07T12:46:12-05:00February 12, 2019|Comments Off on I Walked Through the Doors: Steps 4, 5, 6

Step 3: Someone Without A Burden

There was an exceptional meeting tonight in Boston. I walked into the meeting with a lot of restlessness and discontent. We read the portion of Alcoholics Anonymous on fear. My Higher Power helped me realize during the shares that I am afraid because I am using this program like just another tool to run my life. I’m being self reliant.

By |2024-04-21T15:00:50-05:00December 16, 2018|Comments Off on Step 3: Someone Without A Burden

Step 1: Accepting Things I Did Not Understand

Sometimes I look back and wonder why it took me so long to finally start living by the most basic and bedrock principles of the 12 Step program. No doubt I was still unwilling to really surrender, so I kept trying to solve my own problem with my own ideas and effort.

By |2024-06-26T11:24:42-05:00December 16, 2018|Comments Off on Step 1: Accepting Things I Did Not Understand

Progressive Victory: Alcoholic And Sexaholic

Alcoholics Anonymous (the “Big Book”) and Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions have proven to be indispensable guides in my recovery journey. When I place these two recovery manuals alongside Sexaholics Anonymous, our White Book, I find helpful connections.

By |2024-04-21T15:03:06-05:00October 17, 2018|Comments Off on Progressive Victory: Alcoholic And Sexaholic

“The Toughest Act in Town”

Steps 1-3 brought me into the SA program (vs. just participating in meetings). Steps 4-9 under the guidance of a sponsor took me though the process of reconciling with my past and connecting rightly with God and others. Steps 10-12 keep me in right relationship with God and others and show me a path ahead to keep growing spiritually.

By |2024-04-21T15:03:01-05:00October 17, 2018|Comments Off on “The Toughest Act in Town”

The God Of My Understanding

I am seeking a timeless and relevant God to assume ownership of all my affairs and provide guidance for all future decisions. This God will negotiate all interactions between me, my true self, and the rest of creation. My new Higher Power will direct my steps to either avoid or correctly navigate difficult and painful situations, self-induced or otherwise, at His discretion.

By |2024-04-21T15:02:57-05:00October 17, 2018|Comments Off on The God Of My Understanding

Honesty About Addiction

In the cell block I have a friend Seth. He talks to me, is friendly and warm. He has been open and honest about his heroin addiction.

By |2024-04-21T15:02:51-05:00October 17, 2018|Comments Off on Honesty About Addiction