What’s Going On in SA

What’s Going On in SA

The fellowship is in a difficult position. We suffered a pullback of contributions during 2024. This forces us to dip into prudent reserves, and we face a shortfall of cash. Our prudent reserve target represents six months of expenses at the Central Office. We need your help to collect contributions, increase personal commitment, and get cash back to SAICO. SA saved our lives; let us commit to save SA’s lifeblood. Thank you.

By |2025-03-06T11:18:27-06:00February 17, 2025|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA

What’s Going On in SA

JOB POSTING — PLEASE SHARE! Editor — ESSAY Magazine The SA Board of Trustees is seeking applicants from the Fellowship for the position of Editor of the ESSAY magazine. The Editor has managerial oversight and responsibility for the ESSAY magazine and will report directly to SA’s Board of Trustees (BoT).

By |2024-12-29T15:36:18-06:00December 24, 2024|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA

Destacando el Comité de Literatura de SA

Supe desde el comienzo de mi viaje en SA que nuestro fundador, Roy K., escribió Sexólicos Anónimos (el "Libro Blanco") y luego supe que también escribió La Recuperación continua, Descubriendo los principios y varios folletos de SA. Sin embargo, durante muchos años, me pregunté quién escribe toda nuestra otra maravillosa literatura SA y qué implica el proceso de publicación. Entonces surgió la oportunidad de hacer servicio internacional, y me ofrecí como voluntario para unirme al Comité de Literatura.

By |2024-10-14T18:45:59-05:00October 14, 2024|Comments Off on Destacando el Comité de Literatura de SA

Освещение деятельности Литературного комитета АС

I knew from the start of my journey in SA that our founder, Roy K. wrote Sexaholics Anonymous (the “White Book”) and then later learned that he also wrote Recovery Continues, Discovering the Principles, and several SA pamphlets. However, for many years, I wondered who writes all our other wonderful SA literature and what’s involved in the publication process. Then the opportunity arose to do international service, and I volunteered to join the Literature Committee.

By |2024-10-14T06:41:43-05:00October 14, 2024|Comments Off on Освещение деятельности Литературного комитета АС

Mise en lumière du Comité Littérature de SA

Dès le début de mon cheminement dans SA, j'ai su que notre fondateur, Roy K., avait écrit Sexoliques Anonymes (le « Livre Blanc ») et j'ai appris plus tard qu'il avait également écrit Le Rétablissement Se Poursuit, Découvrir les Principes, et plusieurs brochures de SA. Cependant, pendant de nombreuses années, je me suis demandé qui écrivait tous les autres merveilleux ouvrages de SA et ce qu'impliquait le processus de publication. Puis l'occasion s'est présentée de rendre un service international, et je me suis porté volontaire pour rejoindre le comité de littérature.

By |2024-10-13T21:00:28-05:00October 13, 2024|Comments Off on Mise en lumière du Comité Littérature de SA

تسليط الضوء على لجنة مؤلفات س.م

عرفتُ منذ بداية رحلتي في س.م أنّ مؤسّسنا، روي ك، ألّفَ كتاب سكيري الجنس المجهولين ( الكتاب الأبيض )، ثم علمتُ لاحقاً بأنه ألّف كتابَ "التعافي يستمر"، و"مكتشفاً المبادئ"، والعديد من مطويات س.م الأخرى، وعلى أيةِ حال، لسنوات طويلة، أنا تساءلت عن هوية الاشخاص الذين يكتبون كل مؤلفات س.م الأخرى المذهلة، وما الذي يحدث خلال عملية النشر، ثم برزت فرصة القيام بالخدمة الدولية، فتطوعت للخدمة في لجنة المؤلّفات.

By |2024-10-13T20:37:29-05:00October 13, 2024|Comments Off on تسليط الضوء على لجنة مؤلفات س.م

What’s Going On in SA

I knew from the start of my journey in SA that our founder, Roy K. wrote Sexaholics Anonymous (the “White Book”) and then later learned that he also wrote Recovery Continues, Discovering the Principles, and several SA pamphlets. However, for many years, I wondered who writes all our other wonderful SA literature and what’s involved in the publication process. Then the opportunity arose to do international service, and I volunteered to join the Literature Committee.

By |2024-10-15T12:11:42-05:00October 12, 2024|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA

What’s Going On in SA

I love SA. I am really committed to my SA program and this fellowship. I have peace and serenity in my life because through SA I have found a way to live a sober life. I am grateful to my Higher Power, my sponsor, and our 12-Step program for this great gift. Upon receiving a great gift, it is very natural to want to give back. When I was asked if I would consider being nominated to serve as a Trustee, I said, “Yes.”

By |2024-08-13T18:24:58-05:00August 13, 2024|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA