What’s Going On in SA

What’s Going On in SA

There is an opening on the Board of Trustees for a non-sexaholic trustee. If you or your group knows someone who would qualify, please notify the Nominations Committee via Central Office. An eligible candidate would be a friend of SA and able to fill the duties of Trustee. Interested parties should submit a service resume and a letter of recommendation from an SA member, group, or Intergroup. A questionnaire for candidates is available from Central Office.

By |2025-02-06T14:47:57-06:00September 29, 1999|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA

What’s Going On in SA

The last edition of Sexaholics Anonymous Member Stories was published in 1989. We currently sell about 500 copies of this every year. The SA Literature Committee intends next year to publish a new volume tentatively titled Member Stories 2000.

By |2025-02-06T14:52:02-06:00June 30, 1999|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA

What’s Going On in SA

At the SA International Conference in Sacramento in January, the SA General Delegate Assembly reported on the results of a survey of SA groups on the question of whether the SA sobriety definition needed clarification. [See “Newark Motions Implemented” in Dec. 1998 Essay, p. 12, for background.]

By |2025-02-06T14:52:52-06:00March 6, 1999|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA

What’s Going On in SA

As the Essay goes to press, groups around the country are voting for the second time in the history of Sexaholics Anonymous on matters concerning the Fellowship’s sobriety definition and the interpretation of the words “marriage” and “spouse.”

By |2025-02-13T14:25:52-06:00December 10, 1998|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA

What’s Going On in SA

A good deal of discussion within the fellowship over the last several months has centered around the issue of whether or not the SA sobriety definition needs to be clarified. The SA sobriety statement reads: “In defining sobriety, we do not speak for those outside Sexaholics Anonymous. We can only speak for ourselves. Thus, for the married sexaholic, sexual sobriety means having no form of sex with self or with persons other than the spouse. For the unmarried sexaholic, sexual sobriety means freedom from sex of any kind. And for all of us, single and married alike, sexual sobriety also includes progressive victory over lust” (Sexaholics Anonymous, pages 191-192).

By |2025-02-13T14:26:51-06:00September 11, 1998|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA

What’s Going On in SA

The Loners Committee consists of members who live in isolated areas or where they cannot attend a meeting as often as they would like. They write or call each other. This service is considered a lifeline to those who use it.

By |2025-02-13T14:28:09-06:00June 12, 1998|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA

What’s Going On in SA

New Delegate Assembly Members Introductions were made of the newest Delegates, Dorene S., CA, Southwest Region, and Art B., GA, Southeast Region.

By |2025-02-13T14:29:12-06:00March 13, 1998|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA

Inter-Fellowship Forum

(Editor’s note: The following is a report on an Inter-Fellowship Forum held November 8 – 9, 1997, in Ann Arbor, Mich. The purpose of the forum was to promote a spirit of cooperation among 12-Step fellowships that offer recovery from sex and lust addiction — so-called S-fellowships — with a primary purpose of reaching out to the addict who is still suffering. The report is submitted by Gary W., who took part in the two-day event on behalf of Sexaholics Anonymous.)

By |2025-02-13T14:29:07-06:00March 13, 1998|Comments Off on Inter-Fellowship Forum

What’s Going On in SA

Many service opportunities are open at the national level. All committees need members from the fellowship to come forward and serve. Some service requires special talents — such as, the Legal Committee. Most committees just need time and the willingness to serve.

By |2025-03-07T15:42:42-06:00December 6, 1997|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA