Dear SAICO and CFC members,

Thank you for Essay and your contributions to a Fellowship that is getting me from day to day. Your publications make “meetings” possible for me [in prison]. I hope one day to share the joy I have with others who need it, but until then know that you and your work are a blessing.

Contribution enclosed,

Steven M., California, USA


Dear Essay,

The program states in the 12th Step, “We tried to carry this message to sexaholics…” and the 5th tradition, “Each group has but one primary purpose—to carry its message to the sexaholic who still suffers.”

Donations to SAICO help carry our message. The International Committee (IC) handles requests from groups, intergroups or regions for funding to help carry our message. The committee has a simple form for applying for grant money.

As a speaker at SA events around the world, I do not always know if funding has been sought. I find it unnerving to set aside time or to purchase a ticket only to find out that the monies are not yet there. Usually a speaker gets all travel and lodging covered. Consistent with our Traditions. we get no honorarium for speaking.

In keeping with my desire to share recovery with SAs everywhere, I do all I can to be there. It is also important for each group to do their part. The IC needs time to consider requests. Expecting the IC to grant funds at the last minute or after the fact is not okay.

Please, if your group or region wants to organize one of these events or you know of such being planned, contact the IC through SAICO in the early planning stages! As we know, “I am responsible. When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of SA always to be there. And for that I am responsible.” (As Bill Sees It, p. 332)

Dave T., Oklahoma, USA


Dear Essay,

Hi all. I really enjoy reading Essay, it makes me feel part of something big and global. I am enclosing a short piece (first time) for the next Essay. Many thanks.


Naf D., Israel

[See “Acting Out Honesty” in this Essay]


Hi everyone,

Hope you are doing fine. Here in Quebec, Canada, everything is fine and life goes on one day at a time in recovery.

Thanks very much for the good work you are doing with Essay to keep us in recovery and give us the info on SA everywhere.

Just want to send you a surrender over Steps 1, 2 and 3 that a member of SA (a sponsee of my sponsor) somewhere out in Manitoba uses. He is calling me once every week or so to give me his First, Second and Third Steps as a kind of surrender prayer. Every time I listen to him, I like the way he does it. And, it could be changed depending on the person giving these Steps. When I listen to him it brings me back to the basics of the program in these Steps.

It could be a good thing to have it in Essay to assist in our recovery.

Andre G., Quebec, Canada

[See “Steps 1, 2, 3” in this Essay]

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