In Every Issue

Editors’ Corner

Dear Essay readers, This issue of Essay includes many stories on “Travel & SA Recovery.” Our next issue will focus on “Lost in Translations” (experiencing SA in other languages and cultures) in August, 2020. Please send in any stories or short articles on your experience with language changes in Sexaholics Anonymous.

By |2024-03-18T12:43:35-05:00May 18, 2020|Comments Off on Editors’ Corner


The SA Correctional Facilities Committee has seen a dramatic increase in the number of prisoners needing to be sponsored by mail. This is due to SACFC outreach, etc. We currently have a backlog of some 150 sponsees. We have an urgent need for sponsors.

By |2024-04-18T13:12:30-05:00February 21, 2020|Comments Off on SA CFC

Finance Report

The Finance Committee invites the SA Fellowship’s Service Committees to participate building the 2021 SAICO budget. Information provided by your committees constructs the budget foundation reflecting the Fellowship’s service needs.

By |2024-04-04T13:25:45-05:00February 21, 2020|Comments Off on Finance Report


Dear Essay, A short letter from a maternity ward, just shared with my SA fellowship:

By |2024-03-27T13:14:32-05:00February 21, 2020|Comments Off on Dear ESSAY

Editors’ Corner

Dear Essay readers: This issue of Essay includes many stories on “Sober Dating.” Our next issue in May, 2020 will focus on “Travel and SA Recovery.” Please send in any stories or short articles on your experience with traveling experiences in Sexaholics Anonymous. Future topics include: Lost in Translations in August, 2020. Let us hear from you at

By |2024-03-27T13:14:37-05:00February 21, 2020|Comments Off on Editors’ Corner

Finance Report

Preliminary third quarter results were better than expected, due to a large gift from the German speaking region. We thank them for their generosity.

By |2024-04-04T13:14:18-05:00December 27, 2019|Comments Off on Finance Report


Dear Essay, Hello, recently we had the best Monday Noon meeting in quite a while here in Akron, Ohio. All due to the beautiful share [in the October 2019 Essay] of Wendi from Colorado! Her topic was “Practicing the Principles.”

By |2024-03-27T15:06:32-05:00December 27, 2019|Comments Off on Dear ESSAY