In Every Issue


Last July, I began serving as the CFC chair for the Los Angeles Intergroup. The mission of SA’s CFC is to carry our message to incarcerated sexaholics, and one way to do this is to participate in CFC’s Sponsor-by-Mail program. So early in my service, I introduced a Prisoner Correspondence Format in one of our groups (see format below).

By |2024-07-17T10:11:48-05:00June 26, 2014|Comments Off on SA CFC

Finance Report

We are grateful for a significant increase in the fourth quarter fellowship contributions. As a result, 2013 income came in slightly under budget. Expenses exceeded income by $18,749. The Prudent Reserve ended the year 2.2% ($3,544) below its requirement. The outlook for 2014 is not encouraging.

By |2024-07-17T10:15:33-05:00March 27, 2014|Comments Off on Finance Report

Finance Report

Dear SA Fellowship: Although contributions have been down for the first six months of 2013, we have experienced growth in other areas. Donations from Conventions have been outstanding—particularly for the Atlanta convention. And, although literature sales have been down (because no new literature has been offered), ESSAY subscriptions have grown.

By |2024-07-17T11:06:57-05:00September 28, 2013|Comments Off on Finance Report

What’s Going On in SA

Dear Fellow SA Members: The General Delegate Assembly met on Thursday and Friday, July 18-19, prior to the July convention. Attendees included Delegates, Alternates, Trustees, Trustee nominees, representatives from SAICO, and observers.

By |2024-10-10T13:42:44-05:00September 28, 2013|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA


SA’s Sponsor-by-Mail program, sponsored by SA’s Correctional Facilities Committee (CFC), is our primary means of carrying the SA message to prisoners. Unfortunately, at the CFC meeting this past May, we learned that the number of SA members available to sponsor prisoners by mail has been dwindling.

By |2024-07-17T12:10:54-05:00June 30, 2013|Comments Off on SA CFC

Finance Report

We are grateful to our members for our excellent 2012 financial results. We finished the year on target compared to budget! Five years ago, the fellowship used Prudent Reserve to meet payroll. Since then, members have stepped up to meet our needs and replenish the Prudent Reserve.

By |2024-07-17T12:57:02-05:00March 1, 2013|Comments Off on Finance Report

What’s Going On in SA

Dear SA Family: With a heavy heart, I’m sharing the sad news of the deaths of Roy K.’s son Howard, Howard’s wife, and their son. Thank you all for your prayers, respect, love, and kind thoughts now and in the future for the family.

By |2024-07-17T13:17:25-05:00December 2, 2012|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA

Finance Report

Dear SA Fellowship: For years, our fellowship was struggling to balance the budget, and we relied on the Quarterly Appeal to build our prudent reserve. Since then, our members have stepped forward to build a strong financial base. Recently however we have seen a slight softening of member contributions to SAICO, reflecting a shift toward addressing local service needs during these hard times.

By |2024-07-17T13:54:36-05:00September 2, 2012|Comments Off on Finance Report

What’s Going On in SA

Dear Fellow SA Members: The General Delegate Assembly met on Thursday and Friday, July 26-27, prior to the July convention. Attendees included Delegates, Alternates, Trustees, Trustee nominees, representatives from SAICO, and observers.

By |2024-10-10T13:41:41-05:00September 2, 2012|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA

Editor’s Corner

Many AA groups have a “Grapevine Rep” (GvR). The AA Service Manual describes that servant’s role as follows: “The GvR’s job is to make sure that members are aware of the Fellowship’s international journal and the enhancements to sobriety it offers… It is anticipated that each AA group would have a GvR and at least one subscription to the magazine” (AA Service Manual, Rev. 1991, S85).

By |2024-07-17T14:29:29-05:00June 3, 2012|Comments Off on Editor’s Corner