ESSAY does a wonderful job in providing so much information in such a small packet.
ESSAY does a wonderful job in providing so much information in such a small packet.
Here is a selection of comments we have received with renewals for the ESSAY.
At SAICO in Tennessee, we are entering the summer season with a positive, upbeat outlook on life. The weather is better and things are looking up. The deficit that we had to carry for the last two years has shrunk to about $1,000 since the first quarter.
Many of you already know that I have been locked up in Texas for the last 23 years. I was well over 50 years old before I even knew what it was to be someone’s friend. If I was not trying to drag you off to bed, I did not have the time of day for you. Now that is really sad, but it was also very true!
Election of Trustee: Jenny M. elected for a four-year term. There are still vacancies for both sexaholic and non-sexaholic Trustees. A sexaholic Trustee must have five years of SA sobriety. Trustee candidates need to submit a service resume and a letter of recommendation from their Intergroup to SAICO.
In September, three members of the Correctional Facilities Team of our Inter-group completed training to become One-on-One mentors in the County Detention center. Our Team has made two unsuccessful efforts to enter other county jails here in our area. Now, we have been given the opportunity to Twelfth Step some of the prisoners.
Dear ESSAY Reader, In the past few months we have received a number of meditations, reflections on the Steps and the Traditions, and fascinating personal stories. We always desire more! Please keep the ESSAY in mind and send us your experience. We promise to keep working on improving our “meeting in print.”
Is your 12th Step alive and well? Are you looking for an opportunity to carry the message and provide a service to those who still suffer?
Dear ESSAY Reader, We keep working on improving our “meeting in print” with your help. Subscriptions to the ESSAY are now available through the SAICO website store, Publications page, at ( Our intention is to make copies of the ESSAY available on-line soon for reproduction in other formats such as the international A4 paper size. Check the SAICO on-line store for availability.
Currently there are a number of prisons across the country that have SA meetings. However, we do not have information on all of them.