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Dear Essay, Sometimes my HP speaks to me through gentle moments of awareness, coincidences and “synchronicity,” which make me smile and say, “There you are! Thanks for that!” Of course there are times (usually when I’m stuck in my ego) when He needs to poke me in the forehead … hard! But every once in a while, I receive a rare gift when He reaches into my heart and surrounds me with His love and acceptance –a feeling of absolute clarity and certainty of his presence.

By |2023-10-16T15:05:22-05:00February 14, 2022|Comments Off on Dear ESSAY


The CFC committee is declaring 2022 to be the Year of CFC. The purpose of this declaration is to highlight the importance of the work which CFC does to help our friends in prison and to bring attention and garner support by the SA membership.

By |2024-04-18T13:13:45-05:00February 14, 2022|Comments Off on SA CFC

The “Road to Freedom” Blog

The thought rings in my mind, “Stop writing someone else’s story.” For so many years my addict controlled the story of my life. He told me to be afraid; that I was going to fail, so don’t even try. I so deeply believed my addict’s lies, that I wouldn’t dare to dream of who I am and what I wanted. I resorted to living a life for everyone else but me.

By |2023-09-06T16:13:46-05:00February 6, 2022|Comments Off on The “Road to Freedom” Blog

The SA UK Winter Convention Gave Her Hope

This January, our fellows in SA Exeter in the UK organized a Winter Convention held in their beautiful ancient city in the Southwest of England; it was a 3-day weekend of fellowship with sexaholics who came from all over the UK and Europe.

By |2024-08-23T14:12:59-05:00February 6, 2022|Comments Off on The SA UK Winter Convention Gave Her Hope

Sponsoring Through Bars—Working Tradition Five As a Group

When I became the IGR of the Dutch Intergroup in 2018, I joined the regional (EMER) Correctional Facilities Committee because I realized I could have been arrested for many a column in the chronicle of my powerlessness and unmanageability. Soon, I offered my service as secretary. Thus moving “to the middle of the SA life raft” I met a lot of trusted servants from the US who were involved in the worldwide CFC service.

By |2023-09-06T16:02:08-05:00February 6, 2022|Comments Off on Sponsoring Through Bars—Working Tradition Five As a Group

God’s Love Healed His Heart

By the grace of my loving God I’ve been sober since May 5, 2013. My home group is the Monday night beginners group in Newcastle, Australia. Currently I’m a SA trustee and the current SACFC vice chair.

By |2023-09-06T15:28:40-05:00February 6, 2022|Comments Off on God’s Love Healed His Heart

Update on the Australian CFC

We were the first ever SA program in a prison outside the USA. It started at the Newcastle Monday night beginners group Prison Subcommittee. A prison chaplain at Junee Correctional helped us start the first ever SA program in an Aussie prison.

By |2023-09-06T15:13:04-05:00February 6, 2022|Comments Off on Update on the Australian CFC