December 2019

Miracles In Recovery

El Milagro De Soltar El Control

En mi experiencia me he dado cuenta que SA es como un río. Cuando un compañero nuevo llega, el río quiere arrastrarlo a la recuperación. Pero nadie tiene motivos puros al llegar, como se dice en el libro Blanco. Por consiguiente, el compañero a veces se resiste.

By |2024-05-29T16:26:31-05:00December 27, 2019|Comments Off on El Milagro De Soltar El Control

Finance Report

Preliminary third quarter results were better than expected, due to a large gift from the German speaking region. We thank them for their generosity.

By |2024-04-04T13:14:18-05:00December 27, 2019|Comments Off on Finance Report


Dear Essay, Hello, recently we had the best Monday Noon meeting in quite a while here in Akron, Ohio. All due to the beautiful share [in the October 2019 Essay] of Wendi from Colorado! Her topic was “Practicing the Principles.”

By |2024-03-27T15:06:32-05:00December 27, 2019|Comments Off on Dear ESSAY

Editors’ Corner

Dear Essay readers: This issue of Essay includes many stories on “Miracles In Recovery.” Our next issue in February, 2020 will focus on “Sober Dating.” Please send in any stories or short articles on your experience with dating experiences in Sexaholics Anonymous. Future topics include: Travel and SA Recovery in May, 2020 and Lost in Translations in August, 2020. Let us hear from you at

By |2024-03-27T15:06:53-05:00December 27, 2019|Comments Off on Editors’ Corner

Thank You, Kay!

In December, 1994 the SA International Central Office moved from Simi Valley, California to Nashville, Tennessee. Roy K. traveled to Nashville to help hire a new administrator. Our first administrator left shortly thereafter due to a death in her family. On August 28, 1995, Kay Shotwell began working as SAICO administrator.

By |2024-07-19T14:30:14-05:00December 22, 2019|Comments Off on Thank You, Kay!

Special Message About the Toronto International Conference

The SA Ontario Intergroup is working in collaboration with the S-Anon Ontario Central Intergroup to present “True North 2020: Happy, Joyous and Free,” the SA and S-Anon International Conventions in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, on July 24-26, 2020. We invite you to join us here in Toronto to take part in this inspirational recovery event.

By |2024-05-20T16:42:01-05:00December 22, 2019|Comments Off on Special Message About the Toronto International Conference

Step Minus One

In 1992 I founded SA in Melbourne. I immersed myself in service, Step work, sponsorship, conference recordings, local and international conferences. At age 35 I began a period of prolonged sobriety. At some deep level I knew it was unsustainable. Even with all my inventory work, I sensed there was something I had trouble identifying deep inside. After 8 years I lost my sobriety and struggled for the next 10 years.

By |2024-07-30T12:39:47-05:00December 22, 2019|Comments Off on Step Minus One

SA Internet Marathon (SIM) 2019!

For twenty-four hours in late November over 1,800 people signed up for the third global internet-based marathon for sexaholics. Participants used over 3,000 different devices to connect on one of the three channels provided. Channel A hosted twenty-four diverse speakers sharing on a wide range of topics (listed below).

By |2024-05-03T15:01:39-05:00December 22, 2019|Comments Off on SA Internet Marathon (SIM) 2019!