
A Spectrum of Colors

It all started with a pinching pain I felt when doing my Fourth Step work over the past three months. I thought that I would be fine in time. For me, Step One had been the most difficult: seeing my disease from a very close distance and accepting my powerlessness over it and the unmanageability caused due to lust in my whole life.

By |2024-08-23T12:17:04-05:00December 13, 2023|Comments Off on A Spectrum of Colors

Sobriety Is Where My Heart Is

Participation in conventions is one of the strongest recovery tools, which I was able to experience again last weekend, together with almost 50 fellows from seven countries. Beginning of January has become a priority in my diary since I first went to the Exeter winter convention last year.

By |2024-08-23T13:19:41-05:00February 4, 2023|Comments Off on Sobriety Is Where My Heart Is

She Absorbed Much to Help Her at the Scottish Convention

This is Kathie S., sexaholic, about the Scottish convention, which I attended last weekend for the first time. I appreciated receiving the schedule well in advance, which helped me to feel less afraid of the unknown, indicating many old timers speaking, with much helpful experience.

By |2024-08-23T13:39:17-05:00September 28, 2022|Comments Off on She Absorbed Much to Help Her at the Scottish Convention


Dear ESSAY, thank you for the wonderful suprise I received in the August edition on The Slogans. On p. 20 I unexpectedly found an article written by my sponsor with a picture of my cat “Milton” and an embroidery work I had sent her when I had been working on it.

By |2024-08-23T13:35:56-05:00September 27, 2022|Comments Off on Dear ESSAY

Step Four Helped Me to Face My Wild Elephant

Lust corrupted my childhood. I was violated when I was very young—an inappropriate act that distorted my perception of sexuality, reality, and love. For years afterward I went around with an aching, infinite emptiness inside me. I bandaged the pain with a blindfold and contented myself to live in darkness, like someone living down a deep water well.

By |2024-08-23T14:37:30-05:00August 19, 2021|Comments Off on Step Four Helped Me to Face My Wild Elephant

“A Heart That Blooms”—The Story Behind the Cover Illustration

In my mid-forties I found myself full of fear, uncertainty, and loneliness—not knowing why my life did not have the shades of color I saw in nature, the sunsets, the immensity of the flowers. I felt that I did not belong—that perhaps my Higher Power had made a mistake. Lust had always been there, but at a very high cost.

By |2024-08-23T14:30:41-05:00August 18, 2021|Comments Off on “A Heart That Blooms”—The Story Behind the Cover Illustration

I Saw The Drawing Slowly Appear On The Page

I had a pretty normal childhood and, thankfully, I experienced no sexual traumas. Looking back, I notice that I had an unusually strong interest in women, even as a child. Still, I don’t believe I experienced genuine addiction until decades later.

By |2024-06-27T11:52:31-05:00February 26, 2021|Comments Off on I Saw The Drawing Slowly Appear On The Page

Using The Tool Of Drawing

I met Dave at a downtown Denver SA meeting. He introduced me to Maxey. He volunteered at a shelter, and brought out three rescue dogs and it wasn’t even close. Maxey was the dog for me.

By |2023-11-13T13:51:01-06:00December 26, 2020|Comments Off on Using The Tool Of Drawing