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La alegría de traducir The Essay (El Ensayo) al español

Mi profesión nada tiene que ver con diseño gráfico, publicidad, ilustración de revisas o cosa parecida… hace años en mis principios en SA simultaneaba el diseño del boletín de mi parroquia con sesiones de consumo de chateo y pornografía… solo por un milagro de mi Poder Superior nunca coloqué una imagen de consumo en uno de esos boletines… y, lógicamente la calidad de mi trabajo era apenas regular, el tiempo invertido el doble de lo normal, trasnochaba mucho y me solía molestar fácilmente si alguien criticaba mi trabajo.

By |2023-02-07T03:08:36-06:00February 5, 2023|Comments Off on La alegría de traducir The Essay (El Ensayo) al español

Dios Se Ocupa De Los Altibajos De Mi Vida

Una respuesta sencilla a esta pregunta podría ser: "Estoy aquí porque tengo que estar". Pero eso no cuenta toda la historia. El dolor de tocar fondo una y otra vez fue suficiente para que entrara por la puerta, pero no suficiente para que me quedara.

By |2023-02-15T15:13:23-06:00February 5, 2023|Comments Off on Dios Se Ocupa De Los Altibajos De Mi Vida

Dejar la pornografía

Si tuviera que elegir una palabra para describir cómo me sentía la mayor parte de mi vida, elegiría "desconectada". Me costaba hacer amigos tanto en la guardería como en el colegio. Había muchas formas atractivas de escapar de la realidad: creando historias en mi cabeza, libros de aventuras y videojuegos.

By |2023-02-05T13:15:50-06:00February 5, 2023|Comments Off on Dejar la pornografía

Encontrar a Dios en la belleza de la naturaleza

Soy Mike y soy un adicto al sexo, sobrio desde el 7 de agosto de 2005. SA me ha dado mi segunda oportunidad en la vida y ha sido fundamental para mi recuperación, pero otras cosas también me han ayudado.

By |2023-02-05T13:15:58-06:00February 5, 2023|Comments Off on Encontrar a Dios en la belleza de la naturaleza

God Is In Charge of the Ups and Downs of My Life

Why am I still in SA? A simple answer to this question could be, “I am here because I have to be,” but that doesn’t tell the whole story. The pain of repeatedly hitting bottom lines was enough to get me in the door, but never enough to keep me inside.

By |2024-05-22T12:12:42-05:00February 1, 2023|Comments Off on God Is In Charge of the Ups and Downs of My Life

The Tool of Giving Meaning to Our Painful Past

In active addiction, my slogan was “Being alone in heaven is harder than being with a girl in hell.” In early childhood, I could not imagine a world without girls. I used to be ridiculed for playing with girls instead of boys. Who cared, as far as I was concerned; I enjoyed playing innocently with girls

By |2023-09-06T12:35:07-05:00February 1, 2023|Comments Off on The Tool of Giving Meaning to Our Painful Past

The Joy of Translating the ESSAY into Spanish

My job has nothing to do with graphic design, advertising, illustration of magazines, or anything like that ... years ago in my beginnings in SA I combined the design of the bulletin of my parish with sessions of consumption of chat and pornography ... only by a miracle of my Higher Power did I never by accident place a lust image in one of those newsletters... And, logically, the quality of my work was barely regular, the time invested twice as much as normal, I stayed up late and I used to be easily annoyed if someone criticized my work.

By |2023-09-06T12:36:40-05:00February 1, 2023|Comments Off on The Joy of Translating the ESSAY into Spanish

Giving Time to My Family Is Service Too

In my early days in SA I was single, had no job, no car, no money, and a lot of time. It was 2009, and because of the economic crisis I was unemployed. I attended three to four meetings a week, called my sponsor daily, wrote my Step work daily, and translated the whole White Book, Big Book, and Recovery Continues into my native language within a year.

By |2023-09-06T12:36:54-05:00January 31, 2023|Comments Off on Giving Time to My Family Is Service Too