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The Promises Are Real

I was exposed to men’s magazines at the age of seven and didn’t realize it was abuse. At the age of nine, I was sexually abused by another girl, who was 10, and experienced a lot of confusion. The confusion increased when I was sort of forcibly converted to Catholicism at the age of 11, which led to a whole load of guilt.

By |2024-08-23T14:36:21-05:00August 19, 2021|Comments Off on The Promises Are Real

These Years Have Been So Much Fun

My name is Sylvia and I am a grateful recovering sexaholic. I was a lonely child. I was a daydreamer. I was never present. Growing up people would tell me things I wouldn’t hear because I was always off in my head somewhere.

By |2024-08-23T14:35:50-05:00August 19, 2021|Comments Off on These Years Have Been So Much Fun

My Attitude Towards Women Has Become Increasingly Healthier

I first joined SA 28 years ago, when SA UK was a very small fellowship with very few meetings. My main form of contact with other members was through the phone. I did, however, meet other SA members face to face, including quite a few female members at the only regular UK Convention held in those days.

By |2023-09-19T13:25:23-05:00August 19, 2021|Comments Off on My Attitude Towards Women Has Become Increasingly Healthier

Her Fellow Members Loved Her Until She Was Able to Love Herself

For somebody who related to the reading "The Invisible Monster" in our book Recovery Continues, it is a miracle that I can share something on “Practicing Healthy Interactions in SA” today. I think the key word for me is “practice” as I will never be perfect and it is progress not perfection.

By |2024-08-23T14:35:13-05:00August 19, 2021|Comments Off on Her Fellow Members Loved Her Until She Was Able to Love Herself

Recovering From Our Common Problem

Hello, my name is Ilona and I am a sexaholic. My sobriety date is January 14, 2016. When I walked into SA I was the only female in the room. This was expected, if at first, unsettling. I discussed this with my sponsor. She told me “What better way for your recovery being in a room of recovering men and learning to relate to them non-sexually?”

By |2024-08-23T14:32:29-05:00August 18, 2021|Comments Off on Recovering From Our Common Problem

The Practical Tool of Maintaining Physical Boundaries

I found out when I started to sober up and get into recovery that part of not lusting required keeping physical boundaries. In my active addiction, I did not pay attention to this and had no idea that there are healthy boundaries. For me, this means no intimate hugging with men and women and making sure I have enough space around me to stand or sit.

By |2024-08-23T14:31:07-05:00August 18, 2021|Comments Off on The Practical Tool of Maintaining Physical Boundaries

There Is Value in Co-ed As Well As Women-only SA Meetings

When I entered the room of my first SA meeting in September 2018, I was the only female. I sat down at a table with five men of varying ages and I felt very alone and fearful. What would these men think of me? It wasn’t until the meeting progressed and these men around me started sharing their thoughts and feelings about working their SA program that I began a slow journey towards being able to view men as people rather than as objects.

By |2024-08-23T14:45:57-05:00May 22, 2021|Comments Off on There Is Value in Co-ed As Well As Women-only SA Meetings

The Chicago Experience of Building a Culture of Sobriety

Hi Mike, thanks for your time today in sharing your experience, strength and hope. Could we begin by asking your sobriety date and home group? Yes, June 3, 1984 and the Holy Innocents group in Chicago. For a long time previously it was at St. Teresa. We have been on Zoom for about a year now; when we were face to face, attendance was around 55-60 and we meet for 90 minutes.

By |2024-08-23T11:38:50-05:00May 22, 2021|Comments Off on The Chicago Experience of Building a Culture of Sobriety

VOIP Meetings as a Loner in Northern Africa

When I hit my bottom on April 16, 2014, I didn’t know if my wife would stay with me after I disclosed to her my double life between my family and my secret lust garden. I was not only mentally and spiritually sick but also physically ill because of acting-in. I suffered from terrible pain.

By |2023-09-22T14:41:43-05:00May 22, 2021|Comments Off on VOIP Meetings as a Loner in Northern Africa