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Daily Writing On Step 4

I do try to use the tools of the program in my recovery. But, on a given day, when it comes to actually sitting down and getting started, I can barely bring myself to do it. Overwhelmed by guilt and by the fear that my sponsor will fire me, I used to manage a slow start into Step work maybe once or twice a week.

By |2023-11-07T12:09:17-06:00August 7, 2020|Comments Off on Daily Writing On Step 4

Translating Our Way Into Sobriety

Fourteen years ago I took a college course “Introduction To Translation 101.” A guide to the basic foundation of translating text from Arabic into English (and vice versa). Our professor told us that translation is a craft, which even if you master it, will never achieve the exact meaning that the original author was trying to say.

By |2023-11-07T11:39:04-06:00August 7, 2020|Comments Off on Translating Our Way Into Sobriety

Program Slogans Helped Me Through My Translation Struggles

I got involved with the service of translating the literature into Italian over the past few years. This has mostly involved translations of the White Book, Step Into Action, and some program pamphlets. I’ve been one link in that chain: another fellow did the translation, while I revised the translated material, as required by the process we follow in SA in order to translate and then approve the work.

By |2024-09-19T11:49:47-05:00August 7, 2020|Comments Off on Program Slogans Helped Me Through My Translation Struggles

Translation Efforts In The Indian Fellowship

Those of us who’ve been in the SA India fellowship since 2014 tried to start working on a White Book translation many times over the past few years. It was paused due to the lack of participation. Initially we were frustrated; some even left SA. Over time, we learned that things happen best when we give it over to God.

By |2023-11-07T11:31:07-06:00August 7, 2020|Comments Off on Translation Efforts In The Indian Fellowship

Language Barriers In Meetings Abroad

I was 17 years old when I moved to the US. I was already a sexaholic back then, I just didn’t know it. I was one of the lucky kids who had parents that granted me the opportunity to study abroad. After only 3 years of zero limits, I ended up hitting rock bottom.

By |2023-11-07T11:02:29-06:00August 7, 2020|Comments Off on Language Barriers In Meetings Abroad

One Night At A Time Hands Off!

I’ve physically acted out in my sleep. An old-timer who had the same problem suggested that I wear pants under my pajama pants. Acting on this suggestion has helped me avoid touching myself, providing as it does, an extra layer between myself and lust.

By |2023-11-07T10:10:41-06:00August 7, 2020|Comments Off on One Night At A Time Hands Off!

Viajando en Recuperación

La única novedad anual que sucedió en mi familia, aparte de mi cumpleaños, fue la llegada de las vacaciones. Solíamos ir a la playa todos los años y la libertad que el mar y las olas producían en mí, suavizaba la angustia de tener “padres especiales”, que no se amaban y que incluso podían divorciarse.

By |2024-03-18T12:44:29-05:00May 31, 2020|Comments Off on Viajando en Recuperación

Focused on the Solution AND the Problem?

Can I focus on what I will do to deal with my problems without first admitting I have problems? What does “rigorous honesty” mean, if not to open up to others about my defects? How did I first identify with others in SA and feel that I belonged, other than to hear about the mess others had put themselves through? Why do we read in meetings first about “The Problem” before sharing “The Solution”?

By |2024-05-03T15:32:48-05:00May 15, 2020|Comments Off on Focused on the Solution AND the Problem?

What’s The Point Of Sobriety?

When we come to SA the most important question we can ask ourselves is “What is the point of sobriety?” Maybe we want to strive to “get something back” or to “get something” in the first place — a husband, a wife, a job. Maybe we work to be just “good enough,” mostly sober. Or maybe we just keep coming back to get support for our illness like Roy talks about in Recovery Continues (p67).

By |2024-05-03T15:32:43-05:00May 15, 2020|Comments Off on What’s The Point Of Sobriety?