Learning From Our Oldtimers

Grief Forced Her to Practice SA As a Lifestyle

Grief was foreign to me. I had not experienced it as close as I did until my Dad passed away in June 2021. We were planning for a Father’s Day lunch just two days before he had an accident that caused some head injuries. Three days later, we were planning for his funeral.

By |2024-08-23T14:24:04-05:00October 13, 2021|Comments Off on Grief Forced Her to Practice SA As a Lifestyle

The Greatest Amends You Can Make Is a Changed Life

I came into SA on February 26, 1999 and by the grace of God and numerous miracles have stayed physically sexually sober since that day. SA did not emerge in Australia until about 1988 in Wentworthville, Sydney and a group in Melbourne that initially met on a park bench. All of the original founding members had ties to AA but have now passed away or left the program.

By |2023-09-13T16:27:37-05:00October 13, 2021|Comments Off on The Greatest Amends You Can Make Is a Changed Life

Coming From AA, He Worked the Steps All Over Again in SA

I came to my first SA meeting in Karlsruhe, Germany, on Sunday, May 26, 1985. I was one of three newcomers at a meeting of 20 men and women. As newcomers we were required to give a brief First Step in the form of answering set questions. Before I came to the meeting, I threw out my pornography. I also threw out phone numbers and addresses of women I knew from other 12-Step fellowships. I stopped acting out sexually.

By |2023-09-13T16:19:53-05:00October 13, 2021|Comments Off on Coming From AA, He Worked the Steps All Over Again in SA

Relapse Will Always Cost More Than Making Phone Calls

Once I was in the parking lot of a shopping center, when I was approached by a pretty young woman who had worked as a waitress in a restaurant that I used to go to. Nothing unusual about that. Any time I was in the restaurant she simply took my order. But now, she told me she had lost her job and, stuck for money, said she would supply “whatever I wanted.”

By |2023-09-13T16:15:06-05:00October 13, 2021|Comments Off on Relapse Will Always Cost More Than Making Phone Calls

I Have a Notebook for Writing With God

I am a female member in Iran. When I came to SA in 2010, there were no other female members in my city, no meeting space, no Intergroup and no White Book or Step Into Action book. Apart from the AA Big Book and 12&12, we had only a few SA pamphlets translated into Persian.

By |2024-08-23T14:24:43-05:00October 13, 2021|Comments Off on I Have a Notebook for Writing With God

It’s a Simple Program—You Just Need to Work It

My sponsor kept repeating “It’s a simple Program, you just need to work on it,” when I complained to him that I could not stay sober. I came to my first SA meeting on my birthday in 2009. Since November 14, 2011, I have remained sober thanks to my Higher Power and SA.

By |2023-09-13T16:03:11-05:00October 13, 2021|Comments Off on It’s a Simple Program—You Just Need to Work It

“Give Myself a Chance for Another Day”

What was the fellowship like in my early days of recovery? According to what I remember and knew, it was: certainly not ideal! We had no published literature but used PDFs and printouts. We didn’t have SA materials to work on the Steps but used materials from other fellowships. Multiple-year sobriety was something unusual.

By |2024-08-23T14:25:34-05:00October 13, 2021|Comments Off on “Give Myself a Chance for Another Day”

It’s My Job to Stay, For Just Another Day

In January 2009 I went to my first SA meeting. On the literature table I found a copy of the Essay magazine. It contained a funny recovery joke. I truly had to laugh! It was the first time I found out recovery can be fun. Until then, my experience with trying to recover in another S-fellowship was mainly depressing and gave little hope.

By |2023-09-18T14:06:13-05:00October 13, 2021|Comments Off on It’s My Job to Stay, For Just Another Day