Practical Tools

Battling the Ants

My Personal Journey Through the 12 Steps to Overcome Automatic Negative Thoughts In my home, a quiet battle has been waging—a battle that parallels an even more personal struggle within my mind. On one hand, I face an invasion of tiny ants that seem to materialize out of nowhere, marching across my kitch­en counter. On the other, I wrestle with automatic negative thoughts (ANTs) that creep into my mind, disrupting my peace and self-esteem.

By |2024-12-26T10:06:31-06:00December 20, 2024|Comments Off on Battling the Ants

Принятие Божьей Воли

Недавно брат из моей домашней группы АС проходил сложный период в жизни и спрашивал Бога, почему Тот позволял этому всему происходить. Это напомнило мне о том, что произошло со мной пару лет назад.

By |2024-10-14T06:32:31-05:00October 14, 2024|Comments Off on Принятие Божьей Воли

Translating Our Literature Is a Powerful Recovery Tool

I came to SA in November 2007 and was granted the grace of sobriety from the first meeting. It was the beginning of SA in our country, we didn’t have SA books or materials, so we used the support of NA-program Step books and an NA-sponsor. I first got involved in SA-literature translation in 2008 when I was offered to translate SA-literature into my native language.

By |2024-11-12T18:39:41-06:00October 12, 2024|Comments Off on Translating Our Literature Is a Powerful Recovery Tool

Be the Change

It took me a while to understand and put this into my daily program: … the ex-problem [luster] who has found the solution, who is properly armed with facts about himself, can generally win the entire confidence of another [sexaholic] in a few hours. Until such an understanding is reached, little or nothing can be accomplished (AA 18).

By |2024-11-08T14:12:49-06:00October 12, 2024|Comments Off on Be the Change