Practical Tools

The Program Is My Parachute Today

When I was 18, I went on a parachute course with a few friends. I was looking for a new adventure and an experience that I could feel proud about. After one day’s instruction on the theory, we were given the go-ahead to make our jump. We would be using the “static-line” technique for our jump. Here, a cord runs from the parachute to a rail fixed on the inside of the plane. When you jump, the cord pays out, then pulls out your parachute; you don’t have to do anything.

By |2023-10-18T11:03:08-05:00October 5, 2023|Comments Off on The Program Is My Parachute Today

The Only Answer Is Doing the Right Thing Myself

Recently, I had a spiritual awakening as I watched a well-made movie, based on true events, about a young lawyer who, 15 years after the second World War, decided to pursue the people responsible for Auschwitz. A lot of these people, after the war, had taken all kinds of ordinary jobs: primary school teachers, woodcutters, bakers, businessmen, dentists, etc.

By |2023-10-18T11:03:27-05:00October 4, 2023|Comments Off on The Only Answer Is Doing the Right Thing Myself

The Attitude of Surrender

Temptations most often come to me unannounced. If I am working my program well, I stay away from places and activities that create temptations. Sometimes, the temptations make me feel guilty even when I didn’t seek them out or indulge them. A conversation with my sponsor helps me sort that kind of thing out. In every case though, I have a Higher Power, a 12-Step program in SA, and the benefits of fellowship which remind me to surrender all lust temptations.

By |2023-10-18T11:04:26-05:00October 4, 2023|Comments Off on The Attitude of Surrender

Music As a Spiritual Experience

CONNECTING WITH A HIGHER POWER Two of the best tools in my “spiritual toolkit” for connecting with the Divine Intelligence (along with working the Steps, attending meetings, talking with my sponsor, and service work in the SA fellowship) are singing and playing (or listening to) music. Music is a lifelong passion for me and an important component of my recovery.

By |2023-09-05T13:29:28-05:00July 27, 2023|Comments Off on Music As a Spiritual Experience

Praying Outside of the House

One of the practical tools I have found most helpful in recovery, particularly as a method of working step 11, has been setting aside time to pray outside of my house during the day. I have worked remotely since the start of COVID lockdowns in 2020, so I am often able to get away, doing so to houses of worship nearby my home. I have also done so in parks, airport chapels, or in lobbies or waiting rooms when out and about.

By |2023-09-06T12:13:02-05:00June 4, 2023|Comments Off on Praying Outside of the House

Using the Tools Shifted Her Vision

I received some news about my health that I was not quite ready for. It meant multiple trips to the doctor and waiting on test results. Waiting has never been a strong suit of mine. I found myself wrestling with fear, for as a sex addict, fear can be quite triggering. Fear is the spark that, if not surrendered to my Higher Power, can start a forest fire of bad decisions.

By |2023-09-06T12:12:51-05:00June 4, 2023|Comments Off on Using the Tools Shifted Her Vision

לא הפסקתי, נכנעתי

לא הפסקתי, נכנעתי. התחלתי את הדרך בתוכנית הזו, כשחברה מאל-אנון אמרה לי שאני סקסוהוליסטית. כדי להוכיח שהיא טועה, הסכמתי ללכת לשש פגישות של אס.איי. במהלך שש הפגישות האלה, לאט לאט הודיתי בפני עצמי שאני סקסוהוליסטית. בהתחלה לא יצרתי קשר עין ולא דיברתי. היו שש נשים מאס.איי בפגישה הראשונה של קבוצת הבית שלי. הלכנו לשתי פגישות בשבוע כקבוצה, מה שעזר לי להתחבר לתוכנית. התחלתי לחלוק בקבוצות. ברגע שהרגשתי חלק, הייתי צריכה לוותר על הפחד והבושה. הרגשתי שמצבי גרוע מחברי אס.איי בגלל המוסר הכפול ביחס לנשים בארצות הברית. גבר יכול "לחרוש את כל השדות", אבל אישה היא או בתולה או זונה. המיתוסים האלו נשתלו במחשבה שלי. התוכנית לאורך הזמן עזרה לי לעקור את הרעיונות האלו.

By |2023-04-12T13:47:09-05:00April 10, 2023|Comments Off on לא הפסקתי, נכנעתי

لم أستسلم، لقد سلَّمت

لم أستسلم ، لقد سلَّمت. بدأت رحلتي في هذا البرنامج عندما أخبرني صديق من Al-Anon أنني سكيرة جنس. لإثبات خطأها ، وافقت على الذهاب إلى ستة اجتماعات من س.ج.م. خلال تلك الاجتماعات الستة ، اعترفت ببطء بأنني كنت سكيرة جنس. في البداية لم أقم بأي اتصال بصري مع الأعضاء الآخرين ولم أشارك. كانت هناك ست نساء أخريات من س.ج.م. في أول اجتماع لي في المجموعة الأساسية. ذهبنا إلى اجتماعين في الأسبوع كمجموعة، مما ساعدني على أن أرتبط مع البرنامج ثم بدأت في المشاركة. عندما تأهلت ، كان علي أن أتخلى عن خوفي وخجلي. شعرت أنني أسوأ من الأعضاء الذكور بسبب المعايير المزدوجة المتعلقة بالنساء في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. يمكن للرجال أن "يفرغوا طاقتهم الجنسية باللهو" في حين أن النساء إما عذارى أو عاهرات. زُرِعت هذه الأساطير في ذهني. ساعدني الزمن في البرنامج في التغلب على هذه المفاهيم.

By |2023-04-12T13:53:51-05:00April 10, 2023|Comments Off on لم أستسلم، لقد سلَّمت