Relapse Prevention

Radość życia dniem dzisiejszym

Jestem trzeźwa według definicji trzeźwości SA od 8 lat, dzięki łasce Siły Wyższej. Lubię cyfrę 8, ponieważ przypomina mi znak nieskończoności. I chociaż wciąż uczę się żyć skupiając się na jednym dniu, program daje mi nieskończoną nadzieję, dzień po dniu.

By |2023-10-09T18:29:59-05:00October 9, 2023|Comments Off on Radość życia dniem dzisiejszym

SA rozwija się na Węgrzech

In Hungary, SA was founded in September 2019. We currently have three weekly meetings, two online and one hybrid, but there is real interest in Monday's hybrid meeting in Budapest. Participation activity varies—members come and go—but we have about six to eight returning members. The meeting types are varied and include free sharing, SA White Book reading, AA Big Book reading, and speaker meetings.

By |2023-10-09T18:33:45-05:00October 9, 2023|Comments Off on SA rozwija się na Węgrzech

Choroba żyje w naszym umyśle

Ten tekst dotyczy zapobiegania nawrotom. W głębi duszy czuję się jednak niekomfortowo pisząc o tym. Uważam, że zapobieganie nawrotom dotyczy osób trzeźwych. Chodzi o to, jak zapobiegać nawrotom po osiągnięciu trzeźwości. Uważam, że wiele osób nie trzeźwieje, choć myślą, że są trzeźwi. Jak mogę wygłaszać takie twierdzenia?

By |2023-10-09T18:02:16-05:00October 9, 2023|Comments Off on Choroba żyje w naszym umyśle

Nie karmienie głodu mnie nie zabiło

Mój sponsor zwykł mawiać: „Po co karmić wilka? Pozwól mu umrzeć z głodu” - odnosząc się do żądzy w moim mózgu. Na początku częściowo się z nim zgodziłem. Jednak w głębi duszy wierzyłem, że ta żądza jest integralną częścią mojego charakteru, tego kim jestem, nawet jeśli wiedziałem, że mnie zabija, że zabija moją duszę. Zmagałem się z pomysłem, żeby pozwolić jej umrzeć z głodu.

By |2023-10-09T17:57:42-05:00October 9, 2023|Comments Off on Nie karmienie głodu mnie nie zabiło

It’s God and Me for the Rest of My Life

I’ve been a sexaholic my whole life, and it’s the most important fact in my life. I’ve other addictions and other Fellowships also. Sexaholism is not the one which would kill me quickest, as the saying goes, but it is the major focus of my life in recovery, being the most all-encompassing and all-pervasive of them.

By |2024-08-23T12:28:27-05:00October 6, 2023|Comments Off on It’s God and Me for the Rest of My Life

Not Feeding the Hunger Didn’t Kill Me

My sponsor used to say to me, “Why Feed the Wolf? Let It Starve,” referring to the lust residing in my brain. At first, I partially agreed with him. Deep down, though, I believed that this lust was integral to my character, to who I am, even though I knew that it was killing me, killing my soul. I struggled with the idea of letting it starve. I associated hunger with food and believed that, if I were hungry, the only solution was to eat; calling a fellow, attending a meeting, or praying to alleviate the feeling of hunger won’t put food in my belly. Likewise, I projected that only acting out could feed my lust hunger. I eventually realized that this perspective is false, but it took me a couple of years to truly grasp it.

By |2023-10-18T11:06:16-05:00October 6, 2023|Comments Off on Not Feeding the Hunger Didn’t Kill Me

The Disease Lives Between Our Ears

This article is about relapse prevention. However, deep down inside of me, I am uncomfortable writing about this. I feel relapse prevention applies to people who are sober. It is about how to prevent people from relapsing once they get sober. My belief is that many people do not get sober although they think they are sober. How can I make such a statement?

By |2023-10-18T11:04:48-05:00October 6, 2023|Comments Off on The Disease Lives Between Our Ears

Daily Practice of the Program Keeps Me Sober

My home group is in St. Petersburg, Russia, but one year ago I moved to Hanoi, Vietnam, where there are few other recovering sexaholics. My recovery started the day I came to an SA meeting. Since that day my life has changed a lot, and it is still changing. I am grateful for everything, past, present, and future. My life is happening exactly as the God of my understanding wants, so I accept everything life brings to me. I want to live this life.

By |2024-08-23T12:27:32-05:00October 6, 2023|Comments Off on Daily Practice of the Program Keeps Me Sober

SA Is Growing in Hungary

In Hungary, SA was founded in September 2019. We currently have three weekly meetings, two online and one hybrid, but there is real interest in Monday's hybrid meeting in Budapest. Participation activity varies—members come and go—but we have about six to eight returning members. The meeting types are varied and include free sharing, SA White Book reading, AA Big Book reading, and speaker meetings.

By |2023-10-18T11:07:34-05:00October 6, 2023|Comments Off on SA Is Growing in Hungary