SA Stories

A Second Chance Is What I Asked God For

My name is Brian. I am a recovering sexaholic. On a Thursday afternoon seven years ago, I was arrested in a police internet sting. Step One reads - “We admitted that we were powerless over lust - that our lives had become unmanageable.” Being arrested and publicly shamed illustrates in the most obvious way that my life had become unmanageable.

By |2023-11-06T12:28:44-06:00October 3, 2020|Comments Off on A Second Chance Is What I Asked God For

Which Way Do You Take?

Hi everyone, I’m Flo, a recovering sexaholic, sober since Oct 7, 2015. Sobriety is my priority in life. I want to live a sober life, no matter the kind of garbage I have to face on a given day. No matter what the emotional or physical pain, I keep moving ahead in my sobriety and recovery. Why? Because sobriety is the only thing I really have in life, and everything in my life depends on this.

By |2023-11-13T13:53:14-06:00October 3, 2020|Comments Off on Which Way Do You Take?

Hope & Fulfillment After Divorce

My relationship with my wife was almost ruined when I read an article in Recovery Continues about abstinence in marriage. That was exactly for me, a real insight! After discussing this with my wife, she accepted my suggestion. We began various non-sexual activities, including walks.

By |2024-08-19T13:48:44-05:00October 3, 2020|Comments Off on Hope & Fulfillment After Divorce

Drifting Off The SA Path

Over the years I’ve called my sponsor many times to surrender a woman’s body part or some annoying euphoric recall. He would respond, “That’s what we do. We are sexaholics and we are vulnerable to lust. It’s what we do next that matters. The key is surrendering our right to lust to God.”

By |2023-11-07T12:12:50-06:00August 7, 2020|Comments Off on Drifting Off The SA Path

Every Moment is a “Given Moment”

My name is Keith. I am a grateful sexaholic. My SA sobriety date is 15 July 2012. Thank you for this opportunity to share my indebtedness and gratitude for SA to my SA family worldwide.

By |2024-04-17T10:31:43-05:00August 7, 2020|Comments Off on Every Moment is a “Given Moment”

Not So Special After All

“I wanted so to break through and relate to other children … I was off somewhere hiding inside myself …” (SA 10)

By |2023-11-08T10:11:06-06:00August 7, 2020|Comments Off on Not So Special After All

A Voicemail from Heaven

For years I had not set up a voicemail on my phone. It just did not seem worth the time or energy. Out of a sense of ignorance, I was not thinking of anyone else’s convenience. I suppose I figured I wasn’t worth leaving a voicemail for anyway. However, at the urging of my sponsor I went ahead and activated my voicemail.

By |2024-05-03T15:32:27-05:00May 15, 2020|Comments Off on A Voicemail from Heaven

First Light

Whenever I get into negative or obsessive thinking, I try to remember the great promise of recovery from sex and lust addiction as I first experienced it. We all remember where we were and what we were doing when first we learned of something that would forever change our lives, especially something that promised us freedom from a hopeless state of mind and body.

By |2024-05-03T15:32:21-05:00May 15, 2020|Comments Off on First Light

Self-Reliance Failed Me

Recently I faced the most severe challenge I’ve had in 18 months of sobriety. An explicit image and message appeared on my phone out of the blue one day when I was in a meeting at work. Like a deer in headlights, I was struggling to know what to do next. I thought it might be someone I had acted out with in the past.

By |2024-05-03T15:32:16-05:00May 15, 2020|Comments Off on Self-Reliance Failed Me

How Sexaholics Anonymous Helped Me To ‘Remarry’ My Wife

One gift of SA has been the recovery in my marriage. I have no right to a happy and fulfilling marriage. I am certainly not worthy of this, but I have an amazing Higher Power who loves me no matter what—and for some reason, He seems to get a kick out of loving me through others, including my wife. Imagine that!

By |2024-08-25T13:52:14-05:00February 20, 2020|Comments Off on How Sexaholics Anonymous Helped Me To ‘Remarry’ My Wife