Same-Sex Lust Recovery

A Solution to My Lust Problem

Through the grace of God and this program, I've been sober since March 4, 2006. I believe that the best way to help “the sexaholic who still suffers” (Tradition 5) is through our sobriety definition. This is the SA message that we carry to the newcomer in our meetings. I believe there are many ways to achieve sobriety from sexual addiction, but there is only one way to achieve recovery from sexaholism — that is by working the SA program.

By |2024-08-22T10:52:57-05:00August 13, 2024|Comments Off on A Solution to My Lust Problem

A Different Life, Thanks to the SA Sobriety Definition

I came to SA in 2008. Up until that point, my life had been a succession of compulsive masturbation, pornography, voyeurism, exhibitionism, and countless stealthy contacts or one-night-stands with other men. The only experience of connection was a 20+ year abusive relationship with an alcoholic man.

By |2024-08-23T13:10:54-05:00March 26, 2023|Comments Off on A Different Life, Thanks to the SA Sobriety Definition

My Path To Recovery

I had been in the program for several years before I finally met Roy K. I remember Roy’s passion for spreading in his conversations as well as his writing the message, his courage, and his principles.

By |2024-08-02T13:24:59-05:00August 9, 2019|Comments Off on My Path To Recovery

Fenner U. — A Remembrance

He would tell anyone who would listen that SA saved his life. On March 10, 2015, Fenner U., one of SA’s longest-standing and staunchest members, went home to be with God.

By |2024-07-30T13:02:04-05:00June 24, 2015|Comments Off on Fenner U. — A Remembrance

Rigorous Honesty

I would like to share a few thoughts and feelings—strength and hope if you will—because I’ve heard that only by giving it away can I get to keep it. I recently had a magnificent transformation inside of me, and I really want to keep it!

By |2024-07-30T13:03:09-05:00September 25, 2014|Comments Off on Rigorous Honesty

Grateful for SA

Before I came to SA, lust was destroying my sense of self. My lust was always self-directed. I could fool myself into thinking I was finding fulfillment in an image or in another person, but only God could fill that hole in my soul.

By |2024-07-30T13:04:00-05:00March 26, 2014|Comments Off on Grateful for SA

In the Hands of My Higher Power

My descent into addiction closely parallels the development of the Internet. In 1992, Newsweek featured a cover story highlighting this developing phenomenon. Around the same time, my employer gave us Internet access, and I started reading erotic stories online.

By |2024-07-30T13:04:34-05:00December 27, 2013|Comments Off on In the Hands of My Higher Power

Rocketed Into a Fourth Dimension

My name is L.A. and my sobriety date is August 19, 2000. One of my favorite passages in the literature is a quote from the Big Book: “We have found much of heaven and we have been rocketed into a fourth dimension of existence of which we had not even dreamed. …

By |2024-07-30T13:05:07-05:00September 28, 2013|Comments Off on Rocketed Into a Fourth Dimension