Trustee Committees

We Have A Solution That Works

We have seen many miracles. As a worldwide fellowship, SA carries some heavy responsibility. The Support for Institutions and Professionals Committee (SIP) is organized to address one of these responsibilities head on: sharing our message with various helping professionals and larger institutions. We, who have personally benefited from the miracles of the 12 Steps can now take part in informing those who help people every day.

By |2024-07-01T10:54:41-05:00June 13, 2024|Comments Off on We Have A Solution That Works

What’s Going On in SA

The program teaches us that we cannot keep what we do not give away. Step Twelve tells us that service is an integral part of recovery. There are many opportunities for service within the SA Service Structure. These opportunities are all described in the SA Service Manual, available for free download off our website There are opportunities within your local home group, the intergroup that services your home group, the regional assembly that serves your intergroup. Lastly, at the international fellowship-wide level, there are opportunities at the General Delegate Assembly, the Board of Trustees, and their committees. As current chair of the Board of Trustees, I’d like to focus on the Board of Trustees and our Committees and the opportunities for you, the SA Member, to serve.

By |2024-04-14T12:56:50-05:00February 14, 2024|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA

What’s Going On in SA

Who are we? We are the Public Information Committee who serve under the Board of Trustees. I call us the band of creatives. We reach out to the general public, telling the world SA is here to help those who identify with us. Today, addicts are immersed in the digital world. Many of them will never stumble upon vital information about sexaholism and SA. That is where we come in and why we need your help.

By |2024-02-14T10:27:46-06:00December 11, 2023|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA

What’s Going On in SA

I write with gratitude for SA, the guidance of our Higher Power, and the excellent and dedicated work of the Nominations Committee. The Nominations Committee worked diligently throughout 2022-23 knowing there would be a high number of Trustees rotating off the Board this past July. Needless to say, replacing needed vacancies was a critical challenge. Since April, five Trustee candidates were approved by the Nominations Committee and passed on to the BOT for consideration. All five candidacies were subsequently approved by the Trustees and forwarded to the GDA. Three candidates Gary P., Jack H., and Mathew M. have been GDA approved. Currently, two potential Trustee candidates await GDA interviews. The Nominations Committee continues to actively seek and invite applications for Trustee candidates.

By |2024-02-20T13:36:49-06:00October 2, 2023|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA

The SA Legal Committee Gives Legal Advice to the Trustees

Can you help? SA’s Board of Trustees is served by a number of committees who assist it in administering the policies and decisions of the General Delegate Assembly. One of these is the Legal Committee whose mission is “to advise the Trustees on legal matters affecting the Fellowship.” (SA Service Manual, Ch. 13, p.2)

By |2023-11-13T13:35:14-06:00March 28, 2023|Comments Off on The SA Legal Committee Gives Legal Advice to the Trustees

RAC Update on SA Census Worldwide Membership Census

As of January 15, 2023, we are approaching 1000 Registered meetings of out of an expected 1700. We have extended the deadline once from December 31, 2022, to January 31, 2023. For several reasons, we have not yet approached the critical mass we had hoped for

By |2023-11-13T13:33:11-06:00February 4, 2023|Comments Off on RAC Update on SA Census Worldwide Membership Census

The Regional Alignment Committee Census Update

The ongoing, ten-year Census of Sexaholics Anonymous is progressing. Regional Representatives are disseminating information on how to access and complete the Meeting Registration Form. Completed Meeting Registrations are being shared with members of the GDA (General Delegate Assembly) and other trusted servants every fifteen days. This feedback process assists all trusted servants in reaching out to areas that have not participated in the Census.

By |2023-11-13T13:31:16-06:00December 6, 2022|Comments Off on The Regional Alignment Committee Census Update

Of Money and Responsibility

In this time of year, Sexaholics Anonymous casts a glance into the future and asks “What do we need to fulfill our primary purpose? How can we best support the ever-growing needs of the fellowship worldwide?” Part of that planning is to create a financial budget for the next year.

By |2023-11-13T13:22:43-06:00September 28, 2022|Comments Off on Of Money and Responsibility