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Many Problems, Threefold Solution

“We saw that our problem was threefold: physical, emotional and spiritual. Healing had to come about in all three” (SA 204). As a recovering sexaholic, I have taken this statement from “The Solution” to heart. With a little reflection, I can remember what it was like before coming into the rooms of SA over twenty years ago. This healing can only continue with the program tools of working the Steps and reading literature, going to meetings, working with a sponsor, and the help of group members.

By |2024-08-23T12:24:13-05:00December 13, 2023|Comments Off on Many Problems, Threefold Solution

The Cloak of Lust

Sexual lust is just one face of the multi-dimensional cube of lust. The word "lust" cannot be confined to a sexual aspect only, as lust is merely a strong urge that governs attitudes. I cannot deny that the concept of lust itself is complex, confusing, and perplexing. How can a limited human encompass what is considered larger and broader? Humans are three-dimensional beings living in a four-dimensional world, while lust is simply a "multi-dimensional" entity.

By |2024-08-23T12:21:30-05:00December 3, 2023|Comments Off on The Cloak of Lust

Half Measures Availed Me Nothing

Trying to control my sexual lust is like trying to predict the weather. Sometimes I can do it successfully. However, most of the time, I fail miserably. Lust is cunning so I end up fooling myself into thinking that I can control it. The measure of my success in controlling lust is the measure of my self-deception that I am able to control it. If I go for an evening without acting out, I magnify it so that it looks like a major breakthrough in my battle against this cunning, baffling, and powerful disease.

By |2023-10-18T11:06:02-05:00October 6, 2023|Comments Off on Half Measures Availed Me Nothing

Essential Helps for Maintaining a Positive Sobriety

There are three essential things that help me be sober. The first is a commitment to surrender every single lust temptation to my Higher Power. The second thing is to associate myself with the SA fellowship at every opportunity. I do this with regular communication with my sponsor, phone calls and meetings with SA members, and constant study of SA literature.

By |2023-10-18T11:05:56-05:00October 6, 2023|Comments Off on Essential Helps for Maintaining a Positive Sobriety

The Tool of Absolute Honesty

Today while traveling back to my home, my scheduled flight was delayed and there was a high probability I would miss my connecting flight. As I was checking in, I saw a flight leaving in 20 minutes and wondered if I could run to the gate and see if I could get on this earlier flight going to the same destination. As I checked my luggage in, the agent asked if I had any lithium batteries in my bag. I said, "No," as I wanted to make it to the service counter to see if I could jump on the earlier flight.

By |2023-10-18T11:04:33-05:00October 5, 2023|Comments Off on The Tool of Absolute Honesty

The Attitude of Surrender

Temptations most often come to me unannounced. If I am working my program well, I stay away from places and activities that create temptations. Sometimes, the temptations make me feel guilty even when I didn’t seek them out or indulge them. A conversation with my sponsor helps me sort that kind of thing out. In every case though, I have a Higher Power, a 12-Step program in SA, and the benefits of fellowship which remind me to surrender all lust temptations.

By |2023-10-18T11:04:26-05:00October 4, 2023|Comments Off on The Attitude of Surrender

My First SA Retreat

Our intergroup had their first spring retreat this year, after 3 years of COVID restrictions. Since I joined SA 3 ½ years ago this was the first time I was able to go and I jumped at the chance. My home group is a two-hour drive away so I have not been to a face-to-face meeting with them in 3 years though 2 other members live close by and the 3 of us do meet every 1 or 2 weeks. I have been waiting to see the bigger world of SA for some time. This retreat was my chance.

By |2023-09-05T13:36:42-05:00July 26, 2023|Comments Off on My First SA Retreat

Coming Back Made a World of Difference to Me

Newcomer meetings—I love them! Newcomers remind me every time how deep I was in my active addiction myself, and I need such a reminder. But more important than that, at a first meeting, I can show that recovery is possible and I have an opportunity to be of service.

By |2024-08-23T12:53:47-05:00July 26, 2023|Comments Off on Coming Back Made a World of Difference to Me