Women in SA

Making SA a Better Place for Women

My experience of joy in service through making SA a better place for women includes how one individual, then a homegroup, then intergroup, and finally the SA international community made themselves better places by taking measures to more comfortably accommodate me, a woman.

By |2024-08-23T13:20:44-05:00February 4, 2023|Comments Off on Making SA a Better Place for Women

Not Taking Myself So Seriously Is a Great Tool

A few days ago one of my dearest friends came up to me with good news. “I have a boyfriend!” she said. I was so happy for her. She really deserves it. I was always asking myself why someone as beautiful, kind and smart as she is wasn’t in a relationship. I even thought that maybe she had some kind of problem, like my sexaholism. Then it struck me that now I was (and still I am) the only single girl amongst my various groups of friends.

By |2024-08-23T13:34:50-05:00December 6, 2022|Comments Off on Not Taking Myself So Seriously Is a Great Tool


I joined SA in pandemic times, two years ago, which was a good thing in one way, as there were very many daily Zoom meetings available. This was crucial to safeguarding my physical sobriety, countless times. I got something of a reputation as a strange Brit, who showed up at all hours of the night in USA meetings, for this reason. I saw it as going to any lengths.

By |2024-12-12T12:08:23-06:00December 5, 2022|Comments Off on Dear ESSAY

She Absorbed Much to Help Her at the Scottish Convention

This is Kathie S., sexaholic, about the Scottish convention, which I attended last weekend for the first time. I appreciated receiving the schedule well in advance, which helped me to feel less afraid of the unknown, indicating many old timers speaking, with much helpful experience.

By |2024-08-23T13:39:17-05:00September 28, 2022|Comments Off on She Absorbed Much to Help Her at the Scottish Convention

The Big Book Is the Home Which She’ll Live In for the Rest of Her Life

I have to admit it. I spent a lot of my life searching for a solution. I used to think that I am drowning in a well, and I must find a solution in that well. But that all has changed now. After joining SA, I came to learn that I was looking for a solution in the mud of the problem! I am grateful to God that after I have joined the program, I simply did not leave and run away! I had a feeling, which I wasn’t sure about, but it said “stay in the program”.

By |2024-08-23T13:37:56-05:00September 27, 2022|Comments Off on The Big Book Is the Home Which She’ll Live In for the Rest of Her Life


Dear ESSAY, thank you for the wonderful suprise I received in the August edition on The Slogans. On p. 20 I unexpectedly found an article written by my sponsor with a picture of my cat “Milton” and an embroidery work I had sent her when I had been working on it.

By |2024-08-23T13:35:56-05:00September 27, 2022|Comments Off on Dear ESSAY