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Counting My Blessings During Covid

Happy and joyous freedom for me began nearly 13 years ago when the lust obsession was removed from my life. I had become a slave to uncontrollable urges, beginning about 25 years earlier and slowly worsening. Somewhere along the way, I crossed an invisible line into insane thinking and behavior.

By |2023-10-30T12:36:48-05:00December 27, 2020|Comments Off on Counting My Blessings During Covid

It’s A Process, Not A Single Event

It works if you work it! It’s a simple quote. We repeat it at every meeting. Just as simple is the requirement for membership: a desire to stop lusting and become sexually sober. But while these are simple truisms, living them is not easy. To stay sober in the face of day to day challenges and to deepen my recovery means I have to work the Steps, practice the tools of recovery, do service for others and take regular guidance from my sponsor.

By |2023-10-30T12:35:37-05:00December 27, 2020|Comments Off on It’s A Process, Not A Single Event

Which Way Do You Take?

Hi everyone, I’m Flo, a recovering sexaholic, sober since Oct 7, 2015. Sobriety is my priority in life. I want to live a sober life, no matter the kind of garbage I have to face on a given day. No matter what the emotional or physical pain, I keep moving ahead in my sobriety and recovery. Why? Because sobriety is the only thing I really have in life, and everything in my life depends on this.

By |2023-11-13T13:53:14-06:00October 3, 2020|Comments Off on Which Way Do You Take?

Hope & Fulfillment After Divorce

My relationship with my wife was almost ruined when I read an article in Recovery Continues about abstinence in marriage. That was exactly for me, a real insight! After discussing this with my wife, she accepted my suggestion. We began various non-sexual activities, including walks.

By |2024-08-19T13:48:44-05:00October 3, 2020|Comments Off on Hope & Fulfillment After Divorce

Prejudiced By Other Fellowships

I attended my first SA meeting in 2015. Back then I was a member of another 12-Step fellowship in which I was dealing with my drug addiction. After a couple months of struggling with lust, while being clean in the other fellowship, I found SA. I continued going to SA meetings and was around 4 months sober when I left SA, convinced that I could now handle my lust problem without SA.

By |2023-11-09T16:24:49-06:00October 3, 2020|Comments Off on Prejudiced By Other Fellowships

Nobody Has My Acting-Out Pattern

My form of fantasy is something that I hadn’t heard from anyone before, therefore I believed it could be something someone could be prejudiced towards me about. I remember in my early days of acting out I would fantasize about what women were enjoying. Being a male I felt my form of acting out wasn’t even “manly” enough to be shared with others.

By |2023-11-02T18:34:19-05:00October 2, 2020|Comments Off on Nobody Has My Acting-Out Pattern

My Higher Power Is Here In This Program

I am a recovering sexaholic, since May 25, 2019, working the Steps with a sponsor. I thank my Higher Power, as I conceive it, for being a sexaholic and seeing my multitude of character defects that help me stay in Sexaholics Anonymous.

By |2024-08-23T15:02:04-05:00October 2, 2020|Comments Off on My Higher Power Is Here In This Program

The Tools That Helped Me Stay Sober

My name is Claire, I was created in the image of God and I am a grateful recovering sexaholic. My sobriety date is July 3, 2002. I need to remind myself that I am an addict because I can easily forget.

By |2024-08-23T15:01:04-05:00October 1, 2020|Comments Off on The Tools That Helped Me Stay Sober