
Qu’est-ce que la luxure ?

J'ai pris contact avec un membre des SA en juin 2017 en réponse à son courriel envoyé deux mois auparavant, et j'ai su que j'avais un problème avec mon comportement compulsif. Au quotidien, je satisfaisais mes « besoins » comme un automate programmé pour effectuer des recherches répétitives. Je cherchais à combler le vide terrible que ma vie secrète cachait depuis des lustres.

By |2024-08-06T23:39:39-05:00August 6, 2024|Comments Off on Qu’est-ce que la luxure ?


Le chapitre du Livre blanc intitulé "La luxure - La force derrière la dépendance" est, à mon avis, une magnifique introduction aux fondements de ce qu'est réellement la luxure. Dans ce chapitre, Roy définit la luxure comme "une attitude exigeant qu'un instinct naturel serve des désirs contre-nature" (SA 40). C'est certainement ce que j'ai vécu.

By |2024-08-06T23:20:21-05:00August 6, 2024|Comments Off on Libre

Rayonnants et souriants en prison

L'un de nos amis détenus, Raphael S., qui a publié deux articles dans ESSAY au cours des deux dernières années, a lancé une réunion SA dans la prison d'État de Virginie. Il parraine un autre détenu. Il est important pour eux de faire partie de la fraternité bien qu'ils soient incarcérés.

By |2024-08-06T23:11:14-05:00August 6, 2024|Comments Off on Rayonnants et souriants en prison

Time to Live and Give

Dear Porn, I gotta say that this is the weirdest thing for me to be doing right now, but I wanna thank you for lotsa stuff. Y’know, we haven’t been in contact now for like 126 days (but who’s counting), and I’m not gonna lie—I DO miss you. A whole lot. See? I even count the days! That’s how important you are were in my life!! And although I don’t want you in my life anymore, there was a time that you were crucial to my survival. We’ve been through a lot together and, although it’s time to say goodbye, I really must say thank you first.

By |2024-08-23T11:27:24-05:00August 6, 2024|Comments Off on Time to Live and Give

My History With Lust

For me, sexual lust started as a simple game that I played with the kid next door. I never imagined that such a game could develop into a "way of life." My family paid more attention to my beautiful, smart sister, and to attract their attention, I started stealing from them to get more attention. This didn’t work. I didn’t know how to say, “I’m here! See me! Love me! I need my father to hold me!”

By |2024-08-23T11:27:55-05:00August 5, 2024|Comments Off on My History With Lust

What Is This Thing Called Lust?

I reached out to an SA member in June 2017 in response to his email sent two months before, and I knew I had a problem with my compulsive behavior. On a daily basis, I was satisfying my “needs” like an automaton programmed to perform repetitive searches. I kept trying to fill the terrible emptiness that my secret life hid for ages.

By |2024-08-29T13:51:07-05:00August 5, 2024|Comments Off on What Is This Thing Called Lust?


The chapter in the White Book titled "Lust—The Force Behind the Addiction," is, in my view, a magnificent introduction to the underpinnings of what lust is really all about. In that chapter Roy defines lust as "an attitude demanding that a natural instinct serve unnatural desires" (SA 40). That was certainly my experience.

By |2024-08-16T17:54:36-05:00August 5, 2024|Comments Off on Unhooked


One of our friends-in-prison, Raphael S., who has had two articles over the last couple of years in ESSAY, started an SA meeting in Virginia State Prison. He is sponsoring another fellow. It’s meaningful for them to be part of the fellowship although they are incarcerated.

By |2024-08-29T14:02:45-05:00August 5, 2024|Comments Off on SA CFC

مکان تمرینی من برای زندگی

اوایل ورودم به SA، زمانی که راجع به جلسات مختلط مطلع شدم، فکر کردم اگر در جلسه ای باشم که اعضای آن، ذهنی مثل ذهن من داشته باشند،آنجا مثل یک پارتی خواهد شد

By |2024-06-14T08:43:08-05:00June 14, 2024|Comments Off on مکان تمرینی من برای زندگی