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One of my most important recovery guidelines is from Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 132: “We absolutely insist on enjoying life.” Roy’s version of this is his notion that if we don’t find in recovery what we were looking for in lust, recovery wouldn’t work (SA, p. 164). Joy that comes from self-acceptance and group-acceptance is one thing my lust was looking for.

By |2023-08-23T12:55:27-05:00March 27, 2023|Comments Off on Dear ESSAY

RAC Update on SA Census Worldwide Membership Census

As of January 15, 2023, we are approaching 1000 Registered meetings of out of an expected 1700. We have extended the deadline once from December 31, 2022, to January 31, 2023. For several reasons, we have not yet approached the critical mass we had hoped for

By |2023-11-13T13:33:11-06:00February 4, 2023|Comments Off on RAC Update on SA Census Worldwide Membership Census

Sobriety Is Where My Heart Is

Participation in conventions is one of the strongest recovery tools, which I was able to experience again last weekend, together with almost 50 fellows from seven countries. Beginning of January has become a priority in my diary since I first went to the Exeter winter convention last year.

By |2024-08-23T13:19:41-05:00February 4, 2023|Comments Off on Sobriety Is Where My Heart Is

Giving Two Hours of My Time Keeps Me Sober

What do I understand by “the joy of service?” When I began attending meetings in 2008, I did not want to do any SA service. But on Saturday, August 5, 2018, my current sobriety date, I began to feel different. On Sunday, the very next day, a local group voted me in as its Intergroup Rep. Before that, I had only done things like putting out chairs, filling in as a back-up meeting secretary, making coffee, serving as a temporary sponsor etc.

By |2023-09-06T12:37:28-05:00February 4, 2023|Comments Off on Giving Two Hours of My Time Keeps Me Sober