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Funciona si lo trabajas

Este es uno de los lemas del programa que se me quedó grabado después de asistir a mi primera reunión virtual de SA aquí en Filipinas. Tenía miedo y dudaba en asistir a una reunión de SA porque estaba en negación y dudaba que fuera un adicto al sexo, pero aun así me obligué a asistir a esa reunión porque tenía miedo de perder a mi esposa e hijos.

By |2023-08-14T11:21:04-05:00August 8, 2022|Comments Off on Funciona si lo trabajas

Hacer lo siguiente correcto… cuando nadie está mirando

Me encantan los eslóganes. Para mi cerebro confundido con la memoria de pez dorado, son concisos, fáciles de recordar y cuando recibo la voluntad, puedo accionar. Hay tantos que vienen fácilmente a la mente, como "Un día a la vez", "Buena dirección ordenada", (GOD, DIOS en inglés), "Déjalo ir y déjaselo a Dios" y "Tómalo con calma".

By |2022-08-08T07:16:12-05:00August 8, 2022|Comments Off on Hacer lo siguiente correcto… cuando nadie está mirando

Los eslóganes o lemas, son guías de referencias rápidas para la cordura

Tengo una gran historia con los lemas, se podría decir que me han salvado la vida. Al principio de la recuperación de AA, mi grupo base era de la “vieja escuela”, no se comparte en las reuniones hasta que tengas 1 año de sobriedad. (Solo podíamos hacer preguntas).

By |2022-08-08T07:05:18-05:00August 8, 2022|Comments Off on Los eslóganes o lemas, son guías de referencias rápidas para la cordura

Zawsze, gdy chcesz przyjść, czuj się mile widziany!

„Jestem odpowiedzialny. Gdy ktokolwiek, gdziekolwiek, potrzebuje pomocy - chcę, aby napotkał wyciągniętą ku niemu pomocną dłoń SA. I za to: Jestem odpowiedzialny.” Podręcznik służb SA - ostatnia strona

By |2023-09-05T18:44:02-05:00August 4, 2022|Comments Off on Zawsze, gdy chcesz przyjść, czuj się mile widziany!

There Is a God, and I’m Not Him

When I returned from a local SA convention yesterday, I felt reasonably happy, connected and peaceful—though not fully. The presence of one fellow had disturbed my serenity to such an extent that I had been struggling with obsessing about him and his behavior throughout the whole weekend.

By |2023-09-08T16:08:11-05:00August 2, 2022|Comments Off on There Is a God, and I’m Not Him

It Works if You Work It

This is one of the program slogans that stuck in my mind after I attended my first SA virtual meeting here in the Philippines. I was afraid and hesitant to attend an SA meeting because I was in denial and doubtful that I am a sex addict, but still forced myself to join that meeting as I was afraid to lose my wife and kids

By |2023-09-08T16:16:49-05:00August 2, 2022|Comments Off on It Works if You Work It

Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude

My sponsor and members from my English-speaking home group suggested to me to list the things I am grateful for in my SA sobriety. They probably couldn't bear my complaining any longer, which might be why they suggested it—in an intention to shut me up a bit.

By |2024-08-23T13:42:29-05:00August 2, 2022|Comments Off on Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude

We Are as Sick as Our Secrets

Before coming into SA, I didn’t believe that lust was a big deal for me. I had masturbated all my life, sometimes using pornography. When my addiction was in full swing, I was acting out with other men four to six times a month. I was living what I thought was a successful double life—on one hand a successful educator, father, husband, and church leader, and on the other a committed sex addict.

By |2023-09-08T16:14:30-05:00August 2, 2022|Comments Off on We Are as Sick as Our Secrets

Doing the Next Right Thing … When No One Is Watching

I love slogans. For my addled brain with the memory of a goldfish, they are pithy, easy to remember and when I receive the willingness, actionable. There are so many that readily come to mind, such as “One Day At A Time,” “Good Orderly Direction,” “Let Go and Let God,” and “Go Easy On Yourself.”

By |2023-09-08T16:10:34-05:00August 2, 2022|Comments Off on Doing the Next Right Thing … When No One Is Watching

The Slogans Are Quick References Guides to Sanity

I have a fond history with the slogans—you might say that they have saved my life. In early AA recovery, my home group was “old school,” no sharing in meetings until you had 1 year of sobriety. (We could ask questions.)

By |2023-09-08T16:09:44-05:00August 1, 2022|Comments Off on The Slogans Are Quick References Guides to Sanity