SA Stories

Ceased Fighting

My name is Tom M. I have been in recovery and sober since December 2007. Recently I had a phase when many things bothered me. I was mad at people at work, my wife’s requests didn’t make sense to me, things at church annoyed me, and the list went on and on.

By |2024-07-16T18:05:20-05:00June 18, 2016|Comments Off on Ceased Fighting

Thirty Years Sober: Still Surrendering Fantasy

It was July 31, 2015, and I was in the shower. Without warning, in the space of about a minute and a half, three different lust images came through my thoughts. Soon after I let the first one go—20 or 30 seconds later—here came another! Soon after I let that one go, there was a third!

By |2024-06-21T12:49:36-05:00March 19, 2016|Comments Off on Thirty Years Sober: Still Surrendering Fantasy

Humility and Honesty

My natural tendency is to vacillate between pride and shame. Maybe I hit moments of humility somewhere in between. It occurs to me that both pride and shame are dishonest states of being, while humility is completely honest.

By |2024-08-02T13:15:58-05:00March 19, 2016|Comments Off on Humility and Honesty

Addicted To Sex And Lust: The Battle Within

Part of me knew from very early on that I was a sexaholic. Part of me didn’t want to admit that or accept it. Part of me wanted to be rid of “the addict.” Part of me wanted to give into that and just enjoy my acting out.

By |2024-06-21T12:49:27-05:00March 19, 2016|Comments Off on Addicted To Sex And Lust: The Battle Within

Finding My SA Family

By the grace of God and the fellowship of SA, I have been sexually sober since August 1, 1985)—something for which I am frequently but never sufficiently grateful.

By |2024-07-12T15:19:24-05:00December 20, 2015|Comments Off on Finding My SA Family

Willing to Wait

I came into SA a little over three years ago, when I was 19. By the grace of God and thanks to this program, I have been blessed with sobriety one day at a time since my first meeting, a few days after my sobriety birthday on March 8th, 2012. I’m grateful for this opportunity to share my experience, strength, and hope with the fellowship—as well as the events that led up to it.

By |2024-07-12T15:25:58-05:00June 24, 2015|Comments Off on Willing to Wait

It Has to Be a Miracle!

I’m Harvey A., a sexaholic from Nashville, TN. My sobriety date is March 8, 1984. I can hardly believe that I’m now 75 years old and have been sexually sober for more than 31 years. When I began the SA recovery program at age 44, I had a full head of hair that had not yet turned grey. At 75, what hair I have is completely grey. My outward appearance has changed over the past 31 years. But it’s the change in my inner self that I want to share with the fellowship today.

By |2024-07-12T15:27:13-05:00March 24, 2015|Comments Off on It Has to Be a Miracle!

Come Join the Party

I’m Mike, a sexaholic, and I’ve been sexually sober since June 3, 1984. I’m grateful to the members of my home group, who have helped me stay sober for the past 30 years. I’m also grateful for my wife, who probably should have dumped me many times over the years, but for some reason she has chosen to stay. We have a pretty decent marriage today—but it wasn’t always that way.

By |2024-07-17T09:49:00-05:00December 25, 2014|Comments Off on Come Join the Party