SA Stories

Come Join the Party

I’m Mike, a sexaholic, and I’ve been sexually sober since June 3, 1984. I’m grateful to the members of my home group, who have helped me stay sober for the past 30 years. I’m also grateful for my wife, who probably should have dumped me many times over the years, but for some reason she has chosen to stay. We have a pretty decent marriage today—but it wasn’t always that way.

By |2024-07-17T09:49:00-05:00December 25, 2014|Comments Off on Come Join the Party

Bent Iron Made Straight

My name is Bill W. and I’m a sexaholic. My sobriety date is November 26, 1995. Until I was 73 years old, I was a chronic relapser. My addiction was costly. I ended up a disgrace to myself, my family, my church, and the religious order to which I belong.

By |2024-07-17T09:50:59-05:00September 25, 2014|Comments Off on Bent Iron Made Straight

Deaf, Sober, and Happy

My name is Pat and I’m a sexaholic. Last December I celebrated 17 years as a member of the SA Fellowship and 17 years of SA sobriety. I feel so blessed.

By |2024-09-09T14:02:42-05:00September 24, 2014|Comments Off on Deaf, Sober, and Happy

Freedom through the Steps

I’m Mark, a sexaholic, and I’ve been sexually sober since April 27, 2002. I would like to share about the disease of sexaholism in my life—but mostly I would like to share about the solution I’ve found in SA. And I would like to tell my story by walking through the Steps.

By |2024-08-19T13:51:19-05:00March 26, 2014|Comments Off on Freedom through the Steps

Surprised by Peace and Joy

My name is Marie W., I’m a sexaholic, and my sobriety date is August 20, 2005. I came into SA because I was afraid I would die if I didn’t. I had started including self-inflicted pain in my acting-out behaviors. Today, because of SA, I’m learning to let go of old behaviors and replace them with healthy ones.

By |2024-09-09T14:12:40-05:00December 27, 2013|Comments Off on Surprised by Peace and Joy

The Nature of My Lust

The first time I was confronted with a naked picture of a man and woman, it was in an educational book my mother gave me when I was in second grade. Despite experiencing the familiar rush of the forbidden and climbing on my roof with my friend to look at the pictures, I felt uncomfortable with the images.

By |2024-07-17T10:25:17-05:00December 27, 2013|Comments Off on The Nature of My Lust

In the Hands of My Higher Power

My descent into addiction closely parallels the development of the Internet. In 1992, Newsweek featured a cover story highlighting this developing phenomenon. Around the same time, my employer gave us Internet access, and I started reading erotic stories online.

By |2024-07-30T13:04:34-05:00December 27, 2013|Comments Off on In the Hands of My Higher Power

Rocketed Into a Fourth Dimension

My name is L.A. and my sobriety date is August 19, 2000. One of my favorite passages in the literature is a quote from the Big Book: “We have found much of heaven and we have been rocketed into a fourth dimension of existence of which we had not even dreamed. …

By |2024-07-30T13:05:07-05:00September 28, 2013|Comments Off on Rocketed Into a Fourth Dimension

A Journey of Hope and Strength

I’m Michael T., grateful to be sexually sober since April 10, 2011. SA has given me a better life than I could ever have imagined. I no longer fear everyone and everything. I no longer regret the past; I use my past as a tool to be helpful to others. I can practice patience and tolerance, and be a part of society. I learned all of these things from SA.

By |2024-07-17T12:09:39-05:00June 28, 2013|Comments Off on A Journey of Hope and Strength

Loved Back to Sobriety

I’m a grateful recovering sexaholic woman, sober since October 22, 2001. I was thrilled when I was asked to share my story at the January 2013 Convention in Atlanta. The last time I was in Atlanta was for the January 2002 Convention, when I had just returned to SA after a seven-year relapse.

By |2024-09-09T14:23:22-05:00March 1, 2013|Comments Off on Loved Back to Sobriety