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The Miracle of Changing Into a Better Me

On March 21, 2011, just 48 hours before I came into this fellowship, I was sober two weeks. On that particular day I was feeling supremely confident that I would never give in to my addiction again. Only problem was, I had had that supreme confidence a thousand times before over almost half a century.

By |2023-09-06T12:28:53-05:00March 26, 2023|Comments Off on The Miracle of Changing Into a Better Me

A Reason to Live

Hi everyone, my name is Pat and I am a sexaholic. I am very grateful today for my ongoing recovery from lust. It’s been a long haul. I came into the program in a town in the mid-north island of New Zealand in November of 2016 after becoming increasingly aware that I was losing control and lust was taking over my life. During an all-night binge on a Saturday with alcohol fuelling my lust, I got online and was chatting to women. I wanted to act out so badly but was so drunk I couldn’t figure out how to get to meet someone. A blessing in disguise.

By |2023-09-06T12:29:03-05:00March 26, 2023|Comments Off on A Reason to Live

A Different Life, Thanks to the SA Sobriety Definition

I came to SA in 2008. Up until that point, my life had been a succession of compulsive masturbation, pornography, voyeurism, exhibitionism, and countless stealthy contacts or one-night-stands with other men. The only experience of connection was a 20+ year abusive relationship with an alcoholic man.

By |2024-08-23T13:10:54-05:00March 26, 2023|Comments Off on A Different Life, Thanks to the SA Sobriety Definition

I Did Not Quit, I Surrendered

I did not quit, I surrendered. I began my journey in this program when a friend from Al-Anon told me I was a sexaholic. To prove her wrong, I agreed to go to six SA meetings. During those six meetings I slowly came to admit that I was a sexaholic. At the beginning I made no eye contact with other members and I did not share. There were six other SA women at my first home group meeting. We went to two meetings a week as a group, which helped me to connect with the program and then I started to share.

By |2024-08-23T13:07:47-05:00March 26, 2023|Comments Off on I Did Not Quit, I Surrendered

Giving Up My Stash Like the Alcoholics

At first I thought that the term, “sobriety,” didn’t fit with what I thought a sexaholic was because I had no experience with alcoholism. But when I came into these rooms eight years ago I learned that sobriety was difficult to obtain because it was about my state of mind and what I might do with it if I didn’t get spiritually fit.

By |2024-08-23T13:12:14-05:00March 26, 2023|Comments Off on Giving Up My Stash Like the Alcoholics

Poświęcanie czasu dla mojej rodziny też jest służbą

Na początku w SA byłem sam, nie miałem pracy, samochodu, pieniędzy - miałem dużo czasu. Był rok 2009, a z powodu kryzysu gospodarczego byłem bezrobotny. Uczestniczyłem w trzech-czterech mitingach tygodniowo, codziennie dzwoniłem do sponsora, codziennie pisałem prace na programie i w ciągu roku przetłumaczyłem całą Białą Księgę, Wielką Księgę i Zdrowienie Postępuje na mój język ojczysty.

By |2023-02-08T09:31:44-06:00February 8, 2023|Comments Off on Poświęcanie czasu dla mojej rodziny też jest służbą

Bóg kieruje wzlotami i upadkami mojego życia

Prosta odpowiedź na to pytanie mogłaby brzmieć: „Jestem tu, bo muszę być”, ale to nie mówi wszystkiego. Ból związany z wielokrotnym uderzaniem o dno wystarczył, żeby wprowadzić mnie przez drzwi, ale nigdy nie wystarczał, żeby zatrzymać mnie w środku.

By |2023-02-15T15:14:45-06:00February 8, 2023|Comments Off on Bóg kieruje wzlotami i upadkami mojego życia