Recovery Songs

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Spiritual Life:

Spiritual life is not a theory, you have to live it.

Spiritual life is not a theory, you have to live it.

Like the clown on the bus tries to find his way

like anybody else.

The red nose on his face many costumes to wear

he tries to find himself.

No matter where you come from,

no matter where you go to,

you have to live it.

Meine Spiritualität in ihrer 

Unvollkommenheit das bin ich.

Gott will einfach nur meine Zufriedenheit

tritt ein in mich

Das spirituelle Leben ist nicht theoretisch

wir müssen es leben.

Das spirituelle Leben ist nicht theoretisch

wir müssen es leben.

Der Einzige, der sich von mir entfernt, das bin ich.

Meine Höhere Macht ist in der Gegenwart erkennst du mich.

Egal wo du herkommst, egal wo du hingehst, du musst es leben.

Egal wo wir herkommen, 

egal wo wir hingehen, wir müssen es leben

Reach out your hand, feel the connection every time.

Just work it not think it, keep it simple and the spirit will shine.

No matter where we come from,

no matter where we go to,

we have to live it.

No matter where we come from,

no matter where we go to,

we have to live it.

To live it, to live it, to live it…

Translation German Lyrics:

My spirituality in its 
imperfection that is me.
God simply wants my satisfaction
comes into me.
The spiritual life is not theoretical
we have to live it.
Spiritual life is not theoretical
we have to live it.
The only one who moves away from Him, that is me.
My Higher Power is in the present you recognize me.
No matter where you come from 
no matter where you go, you have to live it.
No matter where we come from 
no matter where we go, we have to live it.

Lyrics and Music: Stefan R. Düsseldorf - 2020

Living the Slogans

(for the International Convention Madrid 2019)

I would never get it perfect, so I’d procrastinate
And by sucking your attention I would self-inflate
I would always feel rejected, so I’d put you down
Either be too serious, or the silly clown
Now I keep it simple, in recovery I can see
God’s wisdom isn’t complex, so come and sing with me:
First things first – let go, let God
If I work it it works – let go, let God
Just do the next right thing – let go. let God
With me let it begin – let go, let God
Easy does it – let go, let God
Keep right size – let go, let God
One day at a time – let go, let God
Easy does it – let go, let God
Thine, not mine, Thy Will be done
Living the slogans keeps me sober} 2x
I don’t need to know – let go, let God
Bring the body and the mind will follow – let go, let God
This too shall pass – let go, let God
Keep coming back – let go, let God
Easy does it – let go, let God
Thine, not mine, Thy Will be done
Living the slogans keeps me sober} 2x
It works if you work it – oooh
So work it, you’re worth it – aaah
Use it, or lose it
I’m not bad, I’m sick – let go, let God
I am only as sick as my secrets – let go, let God
“EGO” is short for “Edging God Out”
When in doubt, better do without
Live and let live – let go, let God
Lust can’t wait to take, Love can’t wait to give – let go, let God
Easy does it – let go, let God
Thine, not mine, Thy Will be done

Living the slogans keeps me sober} 2x
It works if you work it – oooh
So work it, you’re worth it – aaah
Use it, or lose it
Living the slogans keeps me sober
Living the slogans keeps you sober
Living the slogans keeps us sober

Keeps us sober!

Ben V - The Netherlands


Credit: Inspired by William Stafford’s, “The Way It Is,” reprinted in Ask Me: 100 Essential Poems. Copyright © 1998 by the Estate of William Stafford. Used with the permission of The Permissions Company, Inc. on behalf of Graywolf Press, Minneapolis, Minnesota,

There is a thread of love we follow, it goes among things that change
There is a thread of love we follow, when we hold on, we cannot get lost
You may be drifting on the ocean, deep in the darkness of dismay
Lift up your eyes and watch the heavens, the stars illuminate your way
There is a thread of love we follow, it goes among things that change
There is a thread of love we follow, when we hold on, we cannot get lost
You may be wandering in the desert, confused and stumbling in the sun
Your thirsty soul cries out for water, one day the blessed rain will come
You may be lost within the city, too many strangers all around
Look for the friend there deep inside of you for what was lost can always be found
There is a thread of love we follow, it goes among things that change
There is a thread of love we follow, when we hold on, we cannot get lost
There is a thread of love we follow, it goes among things that change
There is a thread of love we follow, when we hold on, we cannot get lost
When we hold on we cannot get lost
When we hold on… we cannot… get lost

Written by Marshal Jon McKitrick/ Copyright 2018


Happy sober day to you
As the Promises come true
On the Road of Happy Destiny
May you know joy and serenity
Happy sober day to you

Written by Marshal Jon McKitrick / Copyright 2020


Wake up slow, greet the day
Open my eyes and my mouth to pray
Walk outside, come what may
Keep lookin’ out ‘cause it’s a brand new day

Brand new day, yay-ee-ay, come what may, yay-ee-ay-yay-ee-ay-ay-ay-ay

Make it real, fresh new start
Take the time to connect and live your part
Don’t you care what they say
Know the truth, and it’s a brand new day
Brand new day, yay-ee-ay, come what may, yay-ee-ay-yay-ee-ay-ay-ay-ay

And when you wonder who you are
Can’t seem to make it all be clear
Let it go, give it up, unwind your mind, get unstuck
Open your heart and it’s a brand new day

Anytime you feel low
Fix your gaze, let your deeper power flow
Tap the source, let it play
Just shake it off, ‘cause it’s a brand new day
Brand new day, yay-ee-ay, come what may, yay-ee-ay-yay-ee-ay-ay-ay-ay

Brand new day, brand new day, brand new day, brand new day…

Words by Marshal McKitrick - Music by Marshal and James McKitrick / Copyright 2018



Verse 1 Beauty is as beauty does and what you see

Is seldom what you want

Pretty is as pretty does and what you feel is

Closer to the hunt


Chorus You may love every mystery face

And still kiss that empty sky

Put your mark on half the human race

Create a reason to cry


Verse 2 Flesh and blood with skin and bone

So close to home, easy to destroy

Taken in by pleasant grins, emotions spin

Headed for the void


Chorus You can make all your fantasies real

And never get a moment’s rest

Walk away, pretend you have the will

Discover that you fail the test


Verse 3 Simple is as simple does and what you know

Is stronger than you think

Ugly is as ugly does and if it shows

Just hold your breath and blink


End Beauty is, beauty is

Beauty is the mark of the beast

And what matters least

Will I survive?


The Unity Complete

A man… got blinds to the windows; what can’t stand daylight?
His front yard looks desolate, a jungle downright!
A man… day after day, an all nighter too
His addiction to porn is the one trick he can do

That man… lonely, neglected, afraid, feels rejected

One day… he can’t stop the habit, it’s having him hooked
He’s looking for havoc, it’s having him nooked

‘Cos then…he busts the computer, what did he do to her?!

And then… he sees his reflection in the screen that fades out,
Does not recognize himself in that pale snout
His heart shrinks… he panics… with fear fueled blood
Alongside a calm -that it stops- somehow odd
But still… he curses all women (this rage somehow sweet)
In that deadly cold moment his splitness complete

He remembers a podcast on ‘Lust as a Load’
But that’s not about him, he is not trudging that road!
Yet browses his phone, finds a number and taps
A woman answers, before he knows it, he unwraps…
…his condition, would SA be for him?
She asks: would you quit? He says ‘yes’ in a whim
She mentions a day and a time, and an address
A flash through his mind: ‘chatting her up would be madness?’

He stands in front of the door, his heart in his throat
Then he enters the room, there’s a whole lot of folk
In between two women the only free seat
He coughs way too loud, and he wants to retreat
A short glance ’round the circle… adds to his appall:
Here are just women, I’m one man, that’s all!
He would like to go scanning, but then there’s a voice:
He is more than welcome, congrats with his choice!

Women share lust, dependency of a man
-He doesn’t dare move, now what if he ran-
They share character defects -what’s that all about?!
Gets uncomfortable and in comes big doubt

Then another one tells how she isolated herself
And that by all that lust she was all overwhelmed
But this is his story, the panic, the pain
The nagging guilt that really drove him insane

The newcomer a man, she is so grateful for it
He’s welcome to share, if he wants to explore it
He coughs and he swallows, says: Reece, sexaholic
I relate to the problem, it’s downright diabolic
The solution I’m open to -he clenches his fist-
The chairwoman hands him… a brother list
Women help women, men sponsor men
She feels there’ll be someone for him among them

Now all get up and there’s hugging all over
He stands a bit lost, wondering  how to get sober
The chair woman steps up to him, offers her hand
Glad that you’re here, we welcome especially men

A meeting in summer, it’s hot, he’s alarmed
He spots some bare legs, there a shoulder, an arm
Don’t they see this is way too much for a guy
Doesn’t SA respect men, he is wondering why?!
His sponsor says: listen, this lust’s within you
You project on all women, that is my clue
Look at women as fellows, one with you, getting free
He takes it to heart, thank you sponsor, it’s me!

A recovery day, a group wanting a man…
…from another town to come sharing and then
He realizes: they see me, my group really care
He’s moved by it, and of his emotion aware

Reece takes up service, makes coffee and tea
This is his home group, here he feels he should be
And on the convention he shares E, S and H
How he now perceives women, that his attitude changed
When finally he wants to vent gratitude
Out comes a cough, and it’s well understood
He thanks all the women, and it is agreed
In that wonderful moment the unity is complete… 

Ben V., Leiden, The Netherlands / 2023
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