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My name is Catherine and my sobriety date is 31 March, 2021. Since I was a very young child, I have used my imagination to escape from reality. At a very early point that I can’t remember the impetus for, I began to be fascinated by and create narratives around corporal punishment.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2022 | Topics: Featured Article - Sponsorship - Steps & Traditions - Women in SA
I am happy to have Essay magazine feature the work of the SA Correctional Facilities Committee (CFC) in this February 2022 issue. It is by the hard work of many SA members that this program has been so successful over the past ten years.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2022 | Topics: Editors' Corner - The Year of CFC
If you haven’t seen the brand-new video that just came out about the 12 Steps, be sure to check it out! “Why Working the Steps is Important” is the multimedia story of how a member worked the Steps of SA and came to understand the Solution to his Problem.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2022 | Topics: The Year of CFC - Worldwide News
Dear Essay,
Sometimes my HP speaks to me through gentle moments of awareness, coincidences and “synchronicity,” which make me smile and say, “There you are! Thanks for that!” Of course there are times (usually when I’m stuck in my ego) when He needs to poke me in the forehead … hard! But every once in a while, I receive a rare gift when He reaches into my heart and surrounds me with His love and acceptance –a feeling of absolute clarity and certainty of his presence.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2022 | Topics: Dear ESSAY - The Year of CFC
The CFC committee is declaring 2022 to be the Year of CFC. The purpose of this declaration is to highlight the importance of the work which CFC does to help our friends in prison and to bring attention and garner support by the SA membership.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2022 | Topics: CFC - The Year of CFC - Trustee Committees
My name is Marty. I am a very grateful child of God and a recovering sexaholic/alcoholic, two things about myself that it took years and a fall from grace for me to accept. I am writing this from my kitchen and, as I look out the door, I do not see any razor-wire fences – a view I had for 25 years because of my abuse of prepubescent girls as a Catholic priest.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2022 | Topics: Featured Article - SA Stories - The Year of CFC
Until about four years ago, I was living in a country in Africa with my wife. We had gone there to set up a humanitarian project to help widows, orphans and children. We’d been married for a bit over 38 years at that time. The stress of setting up a project from scratch, put an awful strain on our marriage.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2022 | Topics: Featured Article - SA Stories - The Year of CFC
The author lays out how he got involved as a sponsorship-by-mail coordinator, what it entails, and how many gifts he has received in return.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2022 | Topics: Discussion Topic - The Year of CFC
The thought rings in my mind, “Stop writing someone else’s story.” For so many years my addict controlled the story of my life. He told me to be afraid; that I was going to fail, so don’t even try. I so deeply believed my addict’s lies, that I wouldn’t dare to dream of who I am and what I wanted. I resorted to living a life for everyone else but me.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2022 | Topics: The Year of CFC - Worldwide News
This January, our fellows in SA Exeter in the UK organized a Winter Convention held in their beautiful ancient city in the Southwest of England; it was a 3-day weekend of fellowship with sexaholics who came from all over the UK and Europe.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2022 | Topics: The Year of CFC - Women in SA - Worldwide News
When I became the IGR of the Dutch Intergroup in 2018, I joined the regional (EMER) Correctional Facilities Committee because I realized I could have been arrested for many a column in the chronicle of my powerlessness and unmanageability. Soon, I offered my service as secretary. Thus moving “to the middle of the SA life raft” I met a lot of trusted servants from the US who were involved in the worldwide CFC service.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2022 | Topics: Steps & Traditions - The Year of CFC
By the grace of my loving God I’ve been sober since May 5, 2013. My home group is the Monday night beginners group in Newcastle, Australia. Currently I’m a SA trustee and the current SACFC vice chair.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2022 | Topics: SA Stories - The Year of CFC
As early as 2009, fellows of the Belgian SA were involved in 12th Step work for sexaholics in prison. In the ‘early years’ some contacts were established with prison staff, chaplaincy and social workers.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2022 | Topics: The Year of CFC
My first sponsorship experience was prison sponsorship. I was skeptical about reaching out and sponsoring others, but my sponsor kept pushing me. “Carry the message. Carry the message. Carry the message.” He’d repeat that over and over and over.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2022 | Topics: The Year of CFC
We were the first ever SA program in a prison outside the USA. It started at the Newcastle Monday night beginners group Prison Subcommittee. A prison chaplain at Junee Correctional helped us start the first ever SA program in an Aussie prison.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2022 | Topics: The Year of CFC
For over twenty-seven years Ray S., aka “Tucson Ray,” was the genuine, formative force for SA prison ministry (SACFC). He wrote the sponsor-by-mail approach that is still in use, and started the prison meetings. He created the protocol for how to approach prison officials. Ray S. died June 17, 2018 at age 87. We are forever indebted to him for blazing the trail in SA service.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2022 | Topics: Featured Article - The Year of CFC
Incarceration can easily trigger guilt, shame, remorse, fear, loneliness, and negative feelings like anger and resentment towards oneself and others. Knowing how to handle such feelings, whether inside prison gates or on the outside, can free a person.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2022 | Topics: Featured Article - Practical Tools - The Year of CFC - Women in SA
I was introduced to SA by another inmate. Initial contact from the SA sponsor team was very helpful. I am now working with my sponsor—brother and friend—who was assigned to me earlier this year. SA has changed my life. Since joining, I thank God both for SA and for those behind the scenes who, along with my Higher Power, are helping me stay sober.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2022 | Topics: Poems - Practical Tools - The Year of CFC
My name is Jared and I’m a grateful, recovering sexaholic. I was arrested on the night of Dec 7, 2018. I plead guilty to inappropriate conduct with a minor and was sentenced to 32 1/2 years, 7 1/2 of which are fixed.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2022 | Topics: Featured Article - Practical Tools - The Year of CFC
Twenty-five years ago, I was working as a procurement clerk and was made to give a tour to some clients to whom I had sent hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of proposals over the years. I had spoken with the salespeople by phone. I felt like I knew them.