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One of the most effective Practical Tools is HUMOR.
A man in a hot air balloon realized he was completely lost. He was overwhelmed, in despair and utter bewilderment. He saw a person on the ground and yelled down to him, “Can you help me? I don’t know where I am.”

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: May 2021 | Topics: Humor - Practical Tools - What Makes Meetings Strong?

Those of us with a little experience in recovery know the various strategies of the “18-Wheeler” for dealing with a lust hit (SA 157). I would like to add a “Number Zero” to the list. I have learned through prayer and through discussion with my daily sobriety renewal partner that part of the power of a lust hit is in the belief that the object of my lust has something I do not.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: May 2021 | Topics: Practical Tools - What Makes Meetings Strong?

Recently, I was exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19. I had symptoms, so I called my physician who referred me to a “drive thru” test site for the virus. After the test was conducted, I promptly pulled my car into a parking lot while gripping the steering wheel, feeling so alone and afraid.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: May 2021 | Topics: Practical Tools - What Makes Meetings Strong?

All my life I have been surrounded by loved ones with fatal and sometimes incurable diseases. The first person I knew to pass away from a disease was a three-year-old girl named Amy, who died of leukemia. My mother just finished chemotherapy for B-cell Lymphoma.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: May 2021 | Topics: Practical Tools - What Makes Meetings Strong?

Hamed describes how he wasn’t making enough use of the tools, hadn’t told everything, didn’t really work the Steps, had his own interpretation of the sobriety definition, etc.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2021 | Topics: Discussion Topic - Young & Sober

I love how simple this program is. Being someone who overthinks, I start obsessing over what I need to do about this or that. If I make a mistake or don’t do something, I immediately think I’m going off the rails into a relapse. None of that is true. We are practicing 24 hour living. I can start my day over at any time. I can make adjustments to get back on course.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2021 | Topics: Dear ESSAY - In Memoriam - Young & Sober

Dear Essay readers,
Our Fellowship continues to attract more and more young people from all over the world—men and women who learn from the experience of those who have gone before them and do not have to descend so deep in the bottomless abyss of the addiction. You can devour their stories under the heading “Young & Sober in SA.”

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2021 | Topics: Editors' Corner - Young & Sober

SA holds an International Convention twice a year in January and July. Each convention is organized and run by a local Intergroup with help from the International Conventions Committee (ICC).

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2021 | Topics: International Conventions - Trustee Committees - Young & Sober

The pandemic has fundamentally changed the way members connect with each other. Where once a long-established home group might receive an occasional visit from an out-of-town member, nowadays members routinely pick and choose meetings from across the globe, “Zooming” or dialing in at the touch of a button. While this technology is a blessing, there are concerns that it might undermine the familiar structure of the SA fellowship; concerns too that this technology can be open to misuse.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2021 | Topics: Trustee Committees - Worldwide News - Young & Sober

It all started over nine years ago but that story is for another day. Fast forward to about one year ago. Let’s say from the start that this whole story was inspired by an Amazing Loving Higher power. Three members of the Australian Newcastle Monday night Beginners Group formed a SA Prison Committee.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2021 | Topics: Worldwide News - Young & Sober

The very first 100% online SA/S-Anon International Convention took place from Jan 22 till 24 and was an incredible event gathering fellows from all over the world. There were 955 SA registrants, and 685 S-Anons and 12 S-Ateens, which makes it the biggest IC in our SA history!

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2021 | Topics: International Conventions - Worldwide News - Young & Sober

None of us can carry the pain of finality of letting go alone. That’s why we are here. Lean on us. The best advice a guy gave me in a meeting one day was, “Be a burden.”

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2021 | Topics: Women in SA - Young & Sober

Once a beachhead is established, defeat of the enemy is inevitable. Even if the first sallies out of the beachhead meet with stiff resistance and are driven back, it doesn’t matter; once a beachhead is established, enemy collapse is assured.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2021 | Topics: Steps & Traditions - Young & Sober

Recently, I have been attending meetings where the readings were taken from our Recovery Continues book. In one meeting, we read: “Lust is a function of my ego, just as resentment is. I, the lord of my life—lord over that lust object and over that resentment object—unleash a spiritual force against them both, against their wills, perverting the reality of their person to suit my twisted need. What is that negative connection? Why must I keep on making it? So I won’t have to look at myself.” (RC 43)

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2021 | Topics: Steps & Traditions - Young & Sober

I have been struggling with my 9th Step for almost a year now due to Covid and all that not being able to travel freely. But in the past two months at the encouragement of my sponsor I have discovered writing letters like this and have found much freedom in them:

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2021 | Topics: Steps & Traditions - Young & Sober

Thank you for your time, Art. Could we start by asking how old you were when you joined SA and the length of your sobriety?
I was 44. I’m 80 now, with 35 years of sobriety. When asked how does one stay sober for 35 years, I say: “One day at a time, keep surrendering lust, and one day at a time, don’t die!” I’ve been blessed with the gift of sobriety and with longevity.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2021 | Topics: Interviews - SA Stories - Young & Sober

I grew up in a dysfunctional home with all types of abuse. My father was a workaholic and my mother was codependent. At the age of 4 or 5 I was subjected to sexual abuse by a female member of my household. The abuse continued for some years and totally altered my life. Something inside me closed up and I knew instinctively that this had to stay a secret.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2021 | Topics: Featured Article - SA Stories - Young & Sober

I had a pretty normal childhood and, thankfully, I experienced no sexual traumas. Looking back, I notice that I had an unusually strong interest in women, even as a child. Still, I don’t believe I experienced genuine addiction until decades later.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2021 | Topics: Art - SA Stories - Young & Sober

I was born in 1989 in Kurdistan, Iran, in a family with 3 older brothers and no sisters. The concept of women and girls was always a mystery to me. The only female that I had a real connection with was my mother. That was not my only challenge though.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2021 | Topics: Young & Sober

I am grateful for being a sexaholic and not being alone having this disease. A priest told me about SA when I was 26, I googled and read some member story’s and thought it was not so bad in my life. “I only had a problem with porno and masturbation. I didn’t cheat on my wife, I didn’t have sex with a prostitute, I didn’t have sex outside my marriage, … After all, it was not so bad.” I thought I still could manage it on my own.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2021 | Topics: Featured Article - Young & Sober

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