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I recently came across an acronym which reminded me of what I need to do each day to remain sexually sober. The acronym is SAHOPE. Here’s what each letter stands for.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2020 | Topics: Happy & Joyous Freedom In Times Of Global Lockdown - Practical Tools

My name is Matan C. and I am a recovering sexaholic from Jerusalem, Israel; I am sober joyous and free from September 30th 2016 by the grace of a loving Higher Power, the 12 Steps and Traditions, my Sponsor and Sponsees, my Family, this Fellowship and a wide variety of recovery tools, one of which I would like to share with you now.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2020 | Topics: Happy & Joyous Freedom In Times Of Global Lockdown - Practical Tools

I met Dave at a downtown Denver SA meeting. He introduced me to Maxey. He volunteered at a shelter, and brought out three rescue dogs and it wasn’t even close. Maxey was the dog for me.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2020 | Topics: Art - Happy & Joyous Freedom In Times Of Global Lockdown - Practical Tools

Five old-timers shared their tools of using their body to overcome their lust temptations:

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2020 | Topics: Featured Article - Happy & Joyous Freedom In Times Of Global Lockdown - Practical Tools

“How do you practice your program during this pandemic?”
Haha! Thanks for asking. I was on a Zoom meeting the other day when a young man said with some alarm, “I feel like I’m living like a monk!” That just fits for me, I’m thinking. :))

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2020 | Topics: Happy & Joyous Freedom In Times Of Global Lockdown - Practical Tools

Some of my earliest childhood memories are of obsession and preoccupation with touching the private parts of other children. Raised in a religious home, weekly attendance of church services was expected. Instead of healthy discussion there were punishments and threats of hellfire and eternal damnation.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: CFC - Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery

The writer of “A Second Chance Is What I Asked God For” describes very vividly how he got arrested 7 years ago and was on the verge of losing everything that was dear to him.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Discussion Topic - Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery

Reading the August Essay confronted me with several of my shortcomings. The article “Every Moment Is A ‘Given Moment’” was especially powerful. The author related his recovery to a lake: “Recovery is like a lake that needs an inflow and an outflow.” It showed me that my lake of recovery has grown shallow and stagnant.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: CFC - Dear ESSAY - Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery

Dear Essay readers,
The theme of this issue is about the prejudices and challenges we all encounter sooner or later on the path of recovery.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Editors' Corner - Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery

The Essay recently had a chance to interview Laura, the new Office Manager of SAICO. The article provides a brief insight into what SAICO does on behalf of the world-wide fellowship.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Interviews - Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery - Trustee Committees - Worldwide News

The SA Public Information Committee has exciting news! The three first Public Service Announcement (PSA) videos it has made can now be translated into more languages around the world!

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery - Trustee Committees - Worldwide News

As a sexaholic, I am a refugee from the land of “Trying-and-failing-miserably-at-running-my-own-life.”

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery - Women in SA

Recovery has been a process that moves me ever closer to God. Through selfishness, self-centeredness, resentment, fear, and harms done to others, I built obstacles I could not get over, under or around. I moved farther and farther away from Him.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery - Steps & Traditions

Before joining the Program, my life was spiritual vagueness, white knuckling, and shame, a darkness inside me where I was lost. I was afraid all the time – of myself, the future, and other people.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery - Steps & Traditions

My name is Brian. I am a recovering sexaholic. On a Thursday afternoon seven years ago, I was arrested in a police internet sting. Step One reads – “We admitted that we were powerless over lust – that our lives had become unmanageable.” Being arrested and publicly shamed illustrates in the most obvious way that my life had become unmanageable.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery - SA Stories

Hi everyone, I’m Flo, a recovering sexaholic, sober since Oct 7, 2015. Sobriety is my priority in life. I want to live a sober life, no matter the kind of garbage I have to face on a given day. No matter what the emotional or physical pain, I keep moving ahead in my sobriety and recovery. Why? Because sobriety is the only thing I really have in life, and everything in my life depends on this.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Art - Featured Article - Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery - SA Stories

My relationship with my wife was almost ruined when I read an article in Recovery Continues about abstinence in marriage. That was exactly for me, a real insight! After discussing this with my wife, she accepted my suggestion. We began various non-sexual activities, including walks.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Divorce - Featured Article - Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery - SA Stories

In March 2018, I had been sober for about three years … I relapsed. It took me completely by surprise. Later, when making my inventory about it, I could see that the disease, very cunningly, had slowly conquered its way back in. From time to time I had purposely let short lust thoughts in, which I did not completely surrender.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery

I attended my first SA meeting in 2015. Back then I was a member of another 12-Step fellowship in which I was dealing with my drug addiction. After a couple months of struggling with lust, while being clean in the other fellowship, I found SA. I continued going to SA meetings and was around 4 months sober when I left SA, convinced that I could now handle my lust problem without SA.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Featured Article - Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery

My mind, my thinking, is sick. It creates continuously judgments and prejudices. These are distorted ideas and beliefs about what is right and what is wrong. I judge the events in my life and believe they should have been different. I judge other people, I judge myself, I judge God. I cannot trust my thinking or judgement.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery

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