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I began acting out at age 14. After 30 years, I was fed up. I acted out three times on the day my father died — this was unmanageability. Then I cried out for help. It was a deep cry from within which communicated to my Higher Power and to the universe that I honestly and desperately needed help. Grace followed and I found the SA fellowship.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: May 2019 | Topics: Featured Article - Open-mindedness

The Foreword to the Second Edition of Alcoholics Anonymous says that “Of those who came to A.A. and really tried, 50% got sober at once and remained that way; 25% sobered up after some relapses, and among the remainder, those who stayed on showed improvement” (AA xx).

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: May 2019 | Topics: Featured Article - Open-mindedness - Relapse Prevention

Early in Sexaholics Anonymous my sponsor said that “the most important quality for recovery is being and remaining teachable.” After thirty years his statement still lingers in my thoughts every day.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: May 2019 | Topics: Featured Article - Open-mindedness

The eternal discontent with my life is part of my illness. I cannot find myself. My life I do not like. I need something more. That enormous expectations that I had or that I have (for worldly success, recognition, pomp and honor, etc.) seems to be the reason why I feel empty.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: May 2019 | Topics: Featured Article - Open-mindedness

Attitude is a word I thought I understood when I first arrived at Sexaholics Anonymous, but really I did not understand it at all. A new heart was something that I thought I did not need when I arrived at SA, but I was wrong.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: May 2019 | Topics: Open-mindedness - Practical Tools

After five years of sobriety and co-ed religious formation, I thought I could be like normal people and have healthy friendships with the opposite sex. I had made many female friends in the previous years, women I hoped I could see as sisters and live in freedom.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: May 2019 | Topics: Open-mindedness - Practical Tools - What is Lust?

I have three things to share on the topic of forgiveness.
#1: Why Forgive?
The first, and most important, concerns why I forgive people. In a nutshell: I forgive because it helps ME.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: May 2019 | Topics: Featured Article - Open-mindedness - Practical Tools

A brief SA CFC report:
I visited with the Israeli CFC committee (ICFC) and discussed utilizing SA for released prisoners. While there is some support, the rules of the Israeli prison structure condone only officially sanctioned offender programs. SA is not one of them. ICFC is determined to continue identifying potential allies who might be able to bring SA’s message to the bureaucracy.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2019 | Topics: CFC - Sobriety and Relationships

The SA Fellowship continues to grow in multiple dimensions. While this growth may be challenging to the budgeting process, it is welcome as a result of the Fellowship’s on-going services to carry the message to those who still suffer.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2019 | Topics: Finance Report - Sobriety and Relationships

Harvey and his wife had a destination planned for an SA event. God had other plans.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2019 | Topics: Discussion Topic - Sobriety and Relationships

Dear Sir or Madam,
Many thanks for putting ESSAY on the internet for us to have free download.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2019 | Topics: Dear ESSAY - Sobriety and Relationships

Dear Essay readers:
This issue of Essay includes many stories on “Sobriety and Relationships.” Our next issue in May 2019 will focus on “Open Mindedness.” Please send in any stories or short articles on your experience with Open Mindedness in sobriety. Future topics are August, 2019: SA At 40 Years! October, 2019: Prison Issue. Let us hear from you at

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2019 | Topics: Editors' Corner - Sobriety and Relationships

I have gratitude for the wonderful SA International Conference just completed in Madrid, Spain and want to share a HP moment. I came home believing I could go most anywhere in the world today and find an understanding SA friend to welcome and listen to me.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2019 | Topics: International Conventions - Sobriety and Relationships - Worldwide News

I am sitting here on a Madrid to Edinburgh flight waiting to take off. Last Friday I walked to the convention center. I knew I had not registered. Having emailed two of the core committee I knew the important thing was that I got to the center. Soon after entering I offered to help the registration team with the influx of 300+ members wanting to register.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2019 | Topics: Featured Article - International Conventions - Sobriety and Relationships - Worldwide News

After the Madrid Convention some remaining members gathered at the Prado Museum. The Prado is such an amazing museum, so much fantastic art that it can be overwhelming.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2019 | Topics: International Conventions - Sobriety and Relationships - Worldwide News

A fellow Spanish speaker asked, “Will you come to the International Convention?” With sadness I answered, “I can’t go, I don’t have enough money to travel from Colombia, South America to Spain.” He told me, “but it is the first Convention that will be translated into Spanish and English and you are the delegate of the Latin American Region …” I prayed to my Higher Power to put myself in Its hands. My friend told me to ask for help. To my surprise the help arrived!

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2019 | Topics: International Conventions - Sobriety and Relationships - Worldwide News

The excellent SA International Convention in El Escorial outside Madrid was a great success with over 300 SAs and regional S-Anons in attendance. The facility and the global audio streaming (with up to 50 SA listeners for each session) and the major talks were inspiring. Translations were provided by hard-working volunteers.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2019 | Topics: International Conventions - Sobriety and Relationships - Worldwide News

When I walked through these doors, all I knew was that I had screwed up, got caught, and wanted to get out of my predicament. My wife was ready to end 38 years of marriage and be rid of me—and my mood swings, impatience and insatiable demands for sex. I got a sponsor and began the Steps.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2019 | Topics: Featured Article - Sobriety and Relationships - Steps & Traditions

My wife and I were asked to give a SA/S-Anon workshop in Toronto. We planned a vacation around this trip, including driving to St. Louis from Nashville and then continue the drive to Toronto via Niagara Falls. This was a bit optimistic for a 79 year old man, but sanity has not been one of my stronger qualities!

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2019 | Topics: SA Stories - Sobriety and Relationships

My first meeting in SA was in Jacksonville, FL Monday night at 7 p.m. I was more of an outsider looking in at that time. I would come in, say a few words maybe, and mostly keep to myself. I saw people successfully working a program and doing what was suggested to them by their sponsors and in the literature.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: February 2019 | Topics: SA Stories - Sobriety and Relationships

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