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CFC offers assistance to those who carry the message of Twelve Step recovery into the prisons. During the past year, we have responded to requests for literature and for help in starting prison meetings from many different states and other countries.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2008 | Topics: CFC

The General Delegate Assembly met on Thursday and Friday prior to the July convention in Akron, Ohio. Attendees included 13 Delegates, five Alternates, three Trustees, one representative from SAICO, and several observers.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2008 | Topics: What's Going On in SA

Gold and silver are not beautiful and pure until heat is applied. The dross then comes to the surface so that it can be skimmed off. Diamonds, before the chisel, are inert, ugly rocks. Incense, without fire, has no sweet smell.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2008 | Topics: Meditations - Women in SA

I have often heard old-timers say, “One day at a time.” At first I didn’t understand. I was struggling so hard to string together even a few days of sobriety. I thought that when I reached 30 days, I had arrived. I just didn’t understand what it meant to have sobriety, just for today.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2008 | Topics: Meditations - The Slogans - Women in SA

Dear Heavenly Father,
Give me self-worth to replace my selfishness, and self-esteem to replace my self-centeredness.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2008 | Topics: Prayers

Hi all! I’m Gavin, sexaholic from Adelaide, South Australia.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2008 | Topics: Featured Article - Worldwide News

My name is Marjorie; I’m a sexaholic with 11 years of SA sobriety. I entered SA in Montreal and have attended groups in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Colorado Springs, and Los Angeles. When I came to Peru I thought my only way of connecting with others would be by Internet.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2008 | Topics: Worldwide News

Sexaholism does not care about nationality, politics, or religion. I am Russian—and I’m a good example of that. At the end of the 80s, observing the collapse of Communism, I found myself left with a deep sense of frustration, resentment, and fear.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2008 | Topics: Featured Article - Worldwide News

My rock bottom was struck in 1999 when my daughter stumbled across some online chat I left on my computer. For some, suicide is the ultimate rock bottom. For me, losing the respect of my children in this manner was far worse.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2008

Much of my life was like the moon. I was the largest and brightest object in the night sky. There is only one moon and nothing shined as bright as me. From my vantage, I was all-seeing and all-knowing.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2008

Mixed face-to-face meetings are a great place for me to learn to respect myself in the presence of men. I have the option to go to a women-only meeting, but I have found (after hiding out in that women’s meeting for a year or two) that the mixed face-to-face meetings are 10 times better for my recovery and healing.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2008 | Topics: Featured Article - Men & Women in SA - Women in SA

February 11th, 2008 Journal Entry: I let myself float off into the beginnings of lust this morning. But this time, strangely, I had an awareness of choice: an awareness of two worlds. The first was dark, although in my addiction it could seem bright and be full of expectation and excitement.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2008 | Topics: Featured Article

At our Monday evening group, we had an instance of a male SA being inappropriate with a female SA to the point where we had to ask for guidance. What an eye-opener to find out that there were no suggestions, no guidelines, no experience, strength, or hope that anyone I contacted had to share.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2008 | Topics: Steps & Traditions

I know I am powerless over lust because of my inability to stop acting out despite knowing the outcomes and consequences. The ways I am powerless are many: I’ve continued to act out alone despite knowing that practicing the compulsion is directly opposed to becoming sober and maintaining sobriety.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2008 | Topics: Steps & Traditions

I don’t know why you’re not able to stay sober, but I don’t think it’s the incapacity to be honest. Agonizing over that is like agonizing over grieving the Spirit—it happens to very few people.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2008 | Topics: Featured Article - Practical Tools

Thanks to everyone who attended the “Welcome Home” convention in Akron the weekend of July 11-13, 2008. A total of 636 people attended the convention; 434 SA members and 202 S-Anons. Twenty-one people received scholarships.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2008 | Topics: International Conventions

Although I’ve been a member of SA since January 2000, my sobriety date is January 1, 2007. At times, I’ve felt extremely frustrated with my lack of continuous SA sobriety—especially when compared with my 23 years of sobriety in AA.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2008 | Topics: International Conventions

What it was like. I enjoyed my first convention in the place where it all started. My cell phone’s background screen now has a picture of the gatehouse where Dr. Bob and Bill W. first met. When I open my phone, I say a prayer of thanks to God for the Twelve Steps.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2008 | Topics: International Conventions

God led me to a place I hadn’t been before, to be with men I didn’t know. Why? To allow me to build on my experience, strength, and hope in recovery from sexual addiction. He took me to the Big Bear men’s retreat this past spring.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2008 | Topics: Conferences and Conventions

Yesterday marked two years of sobriety for me. Prior to my sobriety date of May 24, 2006, I can’t remember having gone two days without acting out in the previous 30 years. For my sobriety and so much more, I am forever grateful to the program and to the fellowship of SA.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2008

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