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I would like to share a few thoughts and feelings—strength and hope if you will—because I’ve heard that only by giving it away can I get to keep it. I recently had a magnificent transformation inside of me, and I really want to keep it!
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2014 | Topics: Featured Article - Same-Sex Lust Recovery
Mine was the first name to be called. As I walked onto the floor of the sports pavilion at our local university and stood before 3,000 spectators, I thought, “I can’t believe I’m doing this!” Then I bowed to the judges and began the first move of the 24-Step Form of Tai Chi. This was a miracle of my SA recovery.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2014
The best thing that ever happened to me was the day that my ex-wife threw me out of the house, near the end of 2006. I had been through rehab and in and out of SA, and yet here I was again, caught looking at porn online. My wife had had it. Thank God she was willing to give up on me.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2014 | Topics: Featured Article - Sober Dating
When I got sober in SA, I had to learn what healthy sexuality is and how to experience true intimacy. I had never experienced either one for any prolonged period in over 30 years of marriage. My relationship was plagued with control and avoidance. My wife knew something was wrong, but for many years I denied it.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2014 | Topics: Featured Article - Recovering in Marriage
My name is Bill W. and I’m a sexaholic. My sobriety date is November 26, 1995. Until I was 73 years old, I was a chronic relapser. My addiction was costly. I ended up a disgrace to myself, my family, my church, and the religious order to which I belong.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2014 | Topics: Featured Article - SA Stories
My name is Pat and I’m a sexaholic. Last December I celebrated 17 years as a member of the SA Fellowship and 17 years of SA sobriety. I feel so blessed.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2014 | Topics: Featured Article - SA Stories - Women in SA
A detailed donations report is enclosed with mailed issues of Essay. The report is also available from SAICO. To request your copy, please call SAICO at 866-424-8777 or write to
In 2008, an appeal was sent out to the fellowship to help offset a shortfall in contributions to SAICO. Called the “Quarterly Appeal,” this was a request for contributions from members, meetings, Intergroups, and regions.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2014 | Topics: Finance Report
Last July, I began serving as the CFC chair for the Los Angeles Intergroup. The mission of SA’s CFC is to carry our message to incarcerated sexaholics, and one way to do this is to participate in CFC’s Sponsor-by-Mail program. So early in my service, I introduced a Prisoner Correspondence Format in one of our groups (see format below).
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2014 | Topics: CFC
The city of Detroit has a rich and varied heritage. It was the birthplace of the American auto industry and brought on the age of assembly line manufacturing, which led to unprecedented growth of the US economy. Detroit became known as the Motor City.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2014 | Topics: International Conventions - Worldwide News
On February 15, 2014 the English-speaking Taichung group held its first SA retreat, entitled “It Works If You Work It.” Five of us active members were present. This was a great milestone for us, to have our first gathering outside of regular meetings since our group began in January 2010.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2014 | Topics: Conferences and Conventions - Worldwide News
May 2014 was an unforgettable month in the history of SA Israel and SAs EMER Region. In only 10 years, SA Israel has grown from a few loners to more than 300 active members; more than 50 meetings in English, French, and Hebrew (with five new meetings opened this month alone); a fully paid-up and redecorated “SA Meeting House;” the hosting of EMER’s 2014 Regional Assembly and SA/S-Anon Convention with nearly 300 participants in attendance from all over Europe and even a handful of members from the US and Canada—and all of this followed by a remarkable International Recovery Camp on the shore of Lake Galilee!
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2014 | Topics: Conferences and Conventions - Worldwide News
In the early years of establishing SA in Iran we did not know how to stop our problem and recover from sexaholism. Members of other Twelve Step programs who had long-term sobriety joined SA and gave us recommendations from their own fellowships to help us to recover from our sexual behavior.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2014 | Topics: Worldwide News
In the Spring of 2001, a fellow was struggling with staying sober from lust. He had tried many ways to stop, including using spiritual tools—but he could not stop. Then in the Fall of 2002 he met another man who also wanted to stop.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2014 | Topics: Featured Article - Worldwide News
Recently, while attending an SA meeting, I was having a dialogue inside my head as someone read aloud “The Solution” (SA 61).
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2014
Even as a child I had a sensitivity to noise. I came from a large family, and our house was always noisy and chaotic, with everybody talking at once. There also was a lot of yelling. I used to escape to the woods near our house for some peace and quiet. I liked to listen to the quiet rustling of the trees and hear the soft singing of the birds.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2014
My tale begins over 12 years ago. At the time, I observed that—as I walked from my car to a downtown SA meeting—I would often notice the women coming toward me or even across the road or on the sidewalk, and smile at them. Sometimes what I noticed about them turned to fantasy, and I would have to surrender this during the subsequent meeting.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2014 | Topics: Featured Article
One of the ways I continued in my addiction and acting out was by going to SA meetings (no, that is not a typo!). That was because “going to meetings” was all I wanted to do to stop acting out. I wanted an “easier, softer way” (AA 58). I wanted to design my own program, and that meant just going to meetings.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2014 | Topics: Featured Article
While I was growing up, our family attended church twice on Sunday and again on Wednesday nearly every week. This gave me a good exposure to God and to the church. I didn’t always enjoy attending church, but something was planted within me. I believed in a punishing God, but at least I believed in God.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2014 | Topics: Featured Article
On September 18, 2013, I celebrated five years of SA sobriety. While I realize that five years is only a benchmark and that I still have much to learn, I’ve been so excited by what I’ve already learned in SA that I would like to share it with you. And I would like to compare my life to a cup, having an inside and an outside. In recovery, I’ve learned some healthy tools for maintaining both the inside and the outside of the cup.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2014 | Topics: Featured Article
When I first came to SA, my world had just exploded. My last acting out partner had called my wife and told her what I’d been doing. My wife learned about a long list of behaviors that I was none too proud of. My loving, even-tempered wife responded to that call by picking up the pot roast she had just prepared for dinner and throwing it at me.