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My Personal Journey Through the 12 Steps to Overcome Automatic Negative Thoughts
In my home, a quiet battle has been waging—a battle that parallels an even more personal struggle within my mind. On one hand, I face an invasion of tiny ants that seem to materialize out of nowhere, marching across my kitchen counter. On the other, I wrestle with automatic negative thoughts (ANTs) that creep into my mind, disrupting my peace and self-esteem.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2024 | Topics: Practical Tools - Sober Dating
Recently my sponsor encouraged me to give program literature more authority in my life. He meant, take the literature as my personal truth and don’t divert from it—this is how I will get maximum benefit from this Program of recovery.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2024 | Topics: Dear ESSAY - Sober Dating
We’re anticipating more wonderful articles in the February 2025 issue on the theme, “God As We Understand Him.” WE NEED YOUR SUBMISSIONS, though! If you already submitted something, it was lost when we tried to recover data and files after we suddenly lost Luc, our previous editor. Please submit (or re-submit) your ESH about “God As We Understand Him” to essay@sa.org.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2024 | Topics: Coming Next - Sober Dating
My name is Raphael. I am a grateful, recovering sexaholic. I have been sober by the grace of God and with the help of all you in this program of SA since April 7, 2019. I am also currently serving a 50-month sentence for actions I took as a result of my addiction to lust.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2024 | Topics: CFC - Sober Dating
My name is Abdelbarie, and I’m a sexaholic. Friends in America would pronounce my name Ab-del-BAH-ree, but to be honest, it’s the word “sexaholic” I’m still not used to. I never knew exactly what was wrong with me. I thought I was just a normal guy with a nasty porn and masturbation habit. As it turns out, I’m not normal at all.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2024 | Topics: Featured Article - Sober Dating - Worldwide News
My name is Dave, I’m a recovering sexaholic, and I’ve been sexually sober since August 1, 1985 by the grace of God and this wonderful Fellowship. I came into the Fellowship when I separated from my first wife hoping to save my marriage. After two years of sobriety, we still divorced, and by the grace of God, I knew absolutely that I had no business being in any kind of romantic relationship, much less a committed one.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2024 | Topics: Featured Article - Sober Dating - Theme
I was unmarried when I entered SA at the age of 26. I got sober and stayed sober though several dates and relationships. I met my wife after 16 years of sobriety. I remained sober through our courtship and 12 years of marriage (so far).
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2024 | Topics: Featured Article - Sober Dating - Theme
After finishing my Step Four harms inventory, I was very grateful to notice that each consecutive person that I dated after I got sober had fewer harms. There are still things left to work on, but my ability to have healthy relationships has improved since joining SA. I’d like to describe some of the progress that I saw in my inventory.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2024 | Topics: Featured Article - Sober Dating - Theme - Women in SA
I recently dated someone for three months. The first month was great, but by the second month, I felt like he was pulling back emotionally, and by the third month, we said our goodbyes.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2024 | Topics: Featured Article - Sober Dating - Theme - Women in SA
There’s a great talk by Roy K. called “Sponsorship and Group Sobriety.” (If you are new to the Program, Roy K. was the founder of our Fellowship). In his talk, Roy K. shares about the highest purpose of sponsorship. It’s not to keep people coming to the Program, and it’s not to keep people sober, because only a Higher Power can do that. According to Roy, the highest purpose of sponsorship is not even working the Steps, although that is an integral part of it. He says that the highest purpose of sponsorship is introducing other men to the real Connection and bringing them into a way of living where the sponsee can experience having that real Connection.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2024 | Topics: Featured Article - SA Stories - Sober Dating
Różne siły popchnęły nas na pierwszy w historii SA India Workshop Weekend w Ashirvad, Bangalore. Siły te obejmowały zagrażające życiu duchowe bankructwo, absolutny brak umiaru i samokontroli oraz zbiegi okoliczności pośród desperackich poszukiwań.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2024 | Topics: Featured Article - Using the Literature of the Program
Od początku mojej podróży w SA wiedziałem, że nasz założyciel, Roy K., napisał „Anonimowych Seksoholików” (Białą Księgę), a później dowiedziałem się, że także „Recovery Continues”, „Discovering the Principles” i kilka broszur SA. Jednak przez wiele lat zastanawiałem się, kto pisze całą naszą wspaniałą literaturę SA i z czym wiąże się z proces publikacji. Potem nadarzyła się okazja, by pełnić międzynarodową służbę i zgłosiłem się na ochotnika do Komitetu Literatury (lub Litcom, jak go nazywamy).
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2024 | Topics: Featured Article - Using the Literature of the Program
Jakiś czas temu jeden z członków mojej grupy macierzystej przechodził przez trudny okres i zastanawiał się, dlaczego Bóg na to pozwolił. Przypomniało mi to coś, co wydarzyło się jakieś dwa lata temu.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2024 | Topics: Featured Article - Using the Literature of the Program
Zanim wytrzeźwiałem, nie byłem miłośnikiem książek. W rzeczywistości nigdy nie przeczytałem żadnej książki od deski do deski. Prawie skończyłem jedną w szkole, ponieważ zabrała mnie do świata fantazji, z dala od rzeczywistości. Większość lektur była jednak dla mnie niepokojąca i bezcelowa.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2024 | Topics: Featured Article - Using the Literature of the Program
Kiedy dołączyłam do SA jesienią 2020 roku, byłam załamana, ale chętna do przyjęcia wskazówek. To dlatego, że byłam tak zdesperowana. Wieloletnie doświadczenie w AA dało mi pewne korzyści, w tym niezliczone mityngi studiowania książek i dobrą znajomość Wielkiej Księgi AA oraz „Dwunastu Kroków i Dwunastu Tradycji”. Pamiętałam nawet niektóre fragmenty, takie jak strona 422 o akceptacji, które wciąż mogłam recytować słowo w słowo. To, co zapamiętałam, nadal służy mi jako swego rodzaju mentalna biblioteka.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2024 | Topics: Featured Article - Using the Literature of the Program
Na moim pierwszym mitingu Anonimowych Seksoholików usłyszałem, jak ktoś czyta rozdział „Problem” i wiedziałem, że jestem we właściwym miejscu. W Białej Księdze Roy napisał:
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2024 | Topics: Featured Article - Using the Literature of the Program
Als ich im Herbst 2020 zu AS kam, habe ich zwar nicht mehr funktioniert, aber bereit, eine neue Richtung einzuschlagen. Das lag daran, dass ich so verzweifelt war. Meine langjährige Erfahrung bei den Anonymen Alkoholikern hatte mir zwar einige Vorteile gebracht, darunter unzählige Literatur-Meeting und eine gute Vertrautheit mit dem Blauen Buch und den Zwölf und Zwölf. Ich erinnerte mich sogar an einige Passagen, wie z. B. Seite 417 über Akzeptanz, die ich immer noch Wort für Wort aufsagen kann. Die Dinge, die ich auswendig gelernt habe, dienen mir immer noch als eine Art mentale Referenzbibliothek.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2024 | Topics: Featured Article - Theme - Using the Literature of the Program - Women in SA
Fin dall’inizio del mio percorso in SA sapevo che il nostro fondatore, Roy K., aveva scritto Sexaholics Anonymous (il “Libro Bianco”) e in seguito ho saputo che aveva scritto anche Recovery Continues, Discovering the Principles e diversi opuscoli di SA. Tuttavia, per molti anni mi sono chiesto chi scrivesse tutto il resto della nostra meravigliosa letteratura su SA e chi e cosa fosse coinvolto nel processo di pubblicazione. Poi si è presentata l’opportunità di svolgere un servizio internazionale e mi sono offerto volontario per entrare a far parte del Comitato per la letteratura.
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2024 | Topics: Featured Article - Using the Literature of the Program
לפני זמן מה, חברה בקבוצת הבית שלי עברה תקופה קשה ותהיתי למה אלוהים נותן לזה לקרות. זה הזכיר לי משהו שקרה לי לפני כשנתיים
TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2024 | Topics: Featured Article - Using the Literature of the Program
כבר בתחילת המסע שלי ב-SA ידעתי שהמייסד שלנו, רוי ק., כתב את הספר “מכורים למין אנונימיים” (“הספר הלבן”). לאחר מכן למדתי שהוא גם כתב את “ההחלמה מתמשכת”, “גילוי העקרונות” וכמה עלונים של SA. עם זאת, במשך שנים תהיתי מי כותב את כל יתר הספרות הנהדרת של SA ומה כרוך בתהליך ההוצאה לאור. ואז, כשנקרתה בפני ההזדמנות ללתת שירות ברמה בינלאומית, התנדבתי להצטרף לוועדת הספרות.