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I attend the regular meetings of my home group every week, but currently, except for me, there are only male fellows there. However, as a “woman and a sexual minority,” I have been accepted into this group and feel like I belong and have a connection.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2024 | Topics: Men & Women in SA - Theme - Web Exclusive - Women in SA

What is Lust?

NEXT EDITION—The August issue will try to deepen our understanding of the concept of lust, which is the indispensable key to sobriety and lasting recovery.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2024 | Topics: Coming Next - Men & Women in SA

Dear ESSAY, we’d love to share the story of our Loving Chair with you all.
Jaime Daniel is one of the founders of our group. 12 years ago, he celebrated his 24th anniversary of sobriety in another fellowship where he received a small plastic chair as a gift. He donated that chair to our “La Liberación” group.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2024 | Topics: Dear ESSAY - Men & Women in SA

اوایل ورودم به SA، زمانی که راجع به جلسات مختلط مطلع شدم، فکر کردم اگر در جلسه ای باشم که اعضای آن، ذهنی مثل ذهن من داشته باشند،آنجا مثل یک پارتی خواهد شد

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2024 | Topics: Featured Article - Men & Women in SA

سلام، من کارین هستم، یک معتادجنسی خانم، و در ۲۷ ژوئن ۲۰۳۳ به SA پیوستم. تاریخ هوشیاری من یکم سپتامبر ۲۰۲۳ است. من یک گروه حضوری خانگی SA دارم، در جلسات زوم SA شرکت میکنم، دوازده قدم را با یک راهنمای SA کار میکنم و کارهای خدماتی کمیته اصلاح و تربیت SA را انجام می دهم .همچنین، من متعهد به “نه” قرار ملاقات یا وارد شدن به یک رابطه برای حداقل یک سال هستم. من قبل از SA،دلم میخواست بمیرم

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2024 | Topics: Featured Article - Men & Women in SA

من از سال ۲۰۱۰ در این برنامه بوده‌ام. برنامه به من این امکان را داد که ۱۳ سال پاک بمانم و از اینکه از من خواسته شد مقاله‌ای درباره مردان و زنان در جامعه بنویسم، بسیار سپاسگزارم

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2024 | Topics: Featured Article - Men & Women in SA

گفته می‌شود: بهبودی آرامش و صلح در میان طوفان است.
پریسیلیا طوفان‌های زیادی را پشت سرگذاشته است. امروز بعد از بیش از ۳۰ سال پاکی جنسی، او ابزارهایی دارد تا در میان طوفان دلسرد نشود و ادامه بدهد. پریسیلیا سی از نشویل تِنسی از ۷ فوریه ۱۹۹۳ پاک بوده است. او از طریق روان درمانگرش به معتادان جنسی گمنام فرستاده شد. فُرمهای شهوت‌رانی من اساساً با مردان متاهل و یا مردانی بود که از لحاظ عاطفی غیرقابل دسترسی بودند

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2024 | Topics: Featured Article - Men & Women in SA

من از ۷ ژانویه ۲۰۲۳ تاکنون پاک هستم. آن روز یک پرواز به آفریقای جنوبی (South Africa) که در زبان انگلیسی به اختصار SA خوانده می‌شود، داشتم و از آن زمان، عینا‍، سفری به یک زندگی جدید داشتم. خداوند فوق العاده شوخ طبع است

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2024 | Topics: Featured Article - Men & Women in SA

یک سال پیش وقتی وارد اولین جلسه دراپلیکیشن زوم شدم احساس نگرانی کردم، چون مختلط بود. من یک سوال داشتم، چطور در میان مردان هوشیار بمانم؟ آنچه در ابتدا به من قوت قلب دوباره می داد روشی بود که در آن اعضا به همراه تاریخ هوشیاری شان خود را معرفی می کردند. اما من در این موضوع گزینه دیگری برای انتخاب نداشتم، من باید بر ترسهایم غلبه کرده، و برای آموختن اینکه چطور هوشیار بمانم و بهبودی عمیق تری داشته باشم به جلسه باز می گشتم؛‌ و من انجامش دادم. من به شرکت در جلسات مختلط روزانه در زوم بعلاوه شرکت در یک جلسه هفتگی مختص بانوان ادامه دادم

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2024 | Topics: Featured Article - Men & Women in SA

We have seen many miracles. As a worldwide fellowship, SA carries some heavy responsibility. The Support for Institutions and Professionals Committee (SIP) is organized to address one of these responsibilities head on: sharing our message with various helping professionals and larger institutions. We, who have personally benefited from the miracles of the 12 Steps can now take part in informing those who help people every day.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2024 | Topics: Men & Women in SA - Trustee Committees - Worldwide News

Some years ago, we started an online Persian SA meeting, which was the first online SA meeting as well as the first mixed meeting in our fellowship in Iran. In the beginning, there were some technical and online cultural issues but overall no major problems.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2024 | Topics: Men & Women in SA - Theme - Web Exclusive

When Zoom meetings started I was blessed to attend one or more meetings per day including for the first time a women’s only meeting. I didn’t have much experience attending meetings with other SA sisters. It was beautiful.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2024 | Topics: Men & Women in SA - Theme - Women in SA

As a young girl, I dreamed of becoming a scientist. But life took a sharp turn when instead I became a lust addict. Accepting my struggle wasn’t easy. What I thought was innocent indulgence in pornography and fantasy spun out of control, and I came to feel completely powerless. I stumbled across SA on the Internet, but I was still under age, and I had to wait until I turned 18 to join the Program. And living in India, where we didn’t yet have face-to-face meetings, meant I had to rely solely on online support.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2024 | Topics: Men & Women in SA - Theme - Women in SA

My name is Mike M. and I’m a sexaholic. I’ve been one since before I even understood what lust was. I’ve been sober over two years now thanks to the 12 steps of SA, working with a sponsor, and a Power greater than myself that I try not to understand, but to experience. I’m married to my wife and we have three boys, 17, 14, and 10.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2024 | Topics: Men & Women in SA - Steps & Traditions

In my Step work I spent quite some time on my negative attitude towards women. There seemed to be very little trust. How could there be when there was no trust in me? I had always been switching from Mr. Know-It-All to Mr. Pitiful. In the one role being blind to the mess I made of my life and to how I hurt others, minors and women included, and if the pressure was too high, I became the victim that needed everybody’s help and understanding.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2024 | Topics: Men & Women in SA - Practical Tools - Songs

I came into Sexaholics Anonymous at age 31. I am 55 today. I’ve seen a lot of women come and go. Based on behaviors I’ve experienced during those 25 years, I’d like to share some practical recovery tools how I treat the opposite sex at our mixed meetings:

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2024 | Topics: Men & Women in SA - Practical Tools - Women in SA

“What can we do so that more women attend our meetings? What can we do to support women in SA? What can we give women when they come into our meetings? What are we doing wrong that women leave our meetings? How can we encourage more women in service?”

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2024 | Topics: Men & Women in SA - Trustee Committees - What's Going On in SA

About a year ago, I was asked to invite members to write articles for another ESSAY edition about women in SA. A few months later, talking about it during breakfast at the International Convention in Krakow, Poland, someone suggested that it would be more interesting to make an issue about women and men finding sobriety together. We are all equal in the Fellowship, and we need each other’s fellowship to achieve recovery as the White Book states in its chapter on “Mixed Meetings” (SA 178-179).

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2024 | Topics: Editors' Corner - Men & Women in SA - Women in SA

The poignant narrative of Arpita on pages 12-14 underscores that we are all fellow travelers on a spiritual journey who struggle with similar challenges. It’s tempting to attribute our discomfort to the opposite sex, but true insight reveals that the root of addiction lies within ourselves.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2024 | Topics: Discussion Topic - Men & Women in SA

Hi, I’m Karin W., a woman sexaholic, and on 27 June ’23, I landed in SA. My sobriety date is Sept 1, 2023. I have a SA in-person home group, attend Zoom SA meetings, work the 12 Steps with a SA sponsor and do SA Correctional Facilities Committee (CFC) service work. Also, I’m committed to ‘no’ dating or getting into a relationship for a year, minimum. Before SA, I wanted to die.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2024 | Topics: CFC - Featured Article - Men & Women in SA - Women in SA

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