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“Keep it simple”—how profound and how difficult. When I came to SA I looked for that special something that would knock my socks off and catapult me into sobriety. How disappointed I was when my sponsor said, “I’m not keeping any secret tools from you; the experience I have I have shared with you; there are no bunnies in the hat.”

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2024 | Topics: Courage to Change - Women in SA - Worldwide News

Last October, the Seventh Convention of SA Mexico was held in the city of Tuxtla Gutierrez. The convention was attended by 47 SA members and 13 S-Anon members; for several participants this was their first convention and their comments are below. We, the organizers, thank the Higher Power (God as each one conceives Him) for this experience that was so important in our recovery.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2024 | Topics: Courage to Change - Worldwide News

COURAGE TO CHANGE doesn’t just come about randomly. At least, it never has in my life. I don’t think I have much courage, much less the courage I need in order to change. Changing myself can be scary. Sometimes it terrifies me. But turning my life and will over to the care of God as I understand Him helps me find courage.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2024 | Topics: Courage to Change - International Conventions - Worldwide News

Have you heard of the SA Board of Trustees? Do you have any idea what service the Trustees provide our fellowship? Have you ever thought that you might be a candidate to serve as a Trustee? Whatever your answers to these questions, we invite you to read on and learn more about this particular service opportunity.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2024 | Topics: Courage to Change - Trustee Committees - What's Going On in SA

Courage to Change—something that I wasn’t capable of before coming to the program. I was the one who never said ”no” to anyone—I had to prove my worthiness by doing anything anyone wanted me to, and by helping people while forgetting to take care of myself.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2024 | Topics: Courage to Change - Theme - Web Exclusive

“Meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings…” That’s what they told me. “Just keep bringing the body”- preamble to the Eighteen Wheeler. At the end of the meetings I attend we gather in a circle, hold hands, and say together, “keep coming back it works if you work it and you’re worth it.”

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2024 | Topics: Courage to Change - Theme - Web Exclusive

I ask God, as I understand him, for the courage to change. When and how do I do this? Every time I pray the Serenity Prayer, that phrase is there. I have liked the Serenity Prayer ever since the beginning of my recovery. We pray it often, in group meetings, in workshops, and at retreats … It says profound things with simple words, but often I will get distracted and simply recite it automatically.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2024 | Topics: Courage to Change - Steps & Traditions - Web Exclusive

I am Oscar, a recovering sexaholic, sober by the grace of my beloved Higher Power since March 6, 2012.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2024 | Topics: Courage to Change - Steps & Traditions

How does one become an oldtimer? It is very simple. Stay sober one day at a time, and do not die. Everything else is detail.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2024 | Topics: Courage to Change - SA Stories - Web Exclusive

I could not go on. I had to change. And one of the many promises of the 12-Step program is that I will change fundamentally, if I work the tools of the program.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2024 | Topics: Courage to Change - Practical Tools - Women in SA

I am convinced that the book Alcoholics Anonymous is correct when it says that “Selfishness—self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.” Selfishness is a spiritual malady, a spiritual problem rooted deeply in my being. I consider or evaluate everything by how it affects me. My fears are self-centered. A lot can be written about selfishness. It is enough to say that it is what causes my problems.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2024 | Topics: Courage to Change - Practical Tools

The topic of this edition matches the theme of the upcoming SA & S-Anon International Convention in July in Los Angeles: “Courage to Change.” Many men and women on the convention committee are serving tirelessly to make it an opportunity for you to continue your own change. All information on p. 30.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2024 | Topics: Courage to Change - Editors' Corner

The author of this article describes how he came into the rooms of SA in 1999 with the purpose of getting his life back into order—but not to change.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2024 | Topics: Courage to Change - Discussion Topic

In response to the previous ESSAY edition, I wanted to share the following. I once asked Roy K. what he boiled recovery down to. He answered without hesitating, looking me right in the eye. “Stay sober, work your steps, and watch what God does.”

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2024 | Topics: Courage to Change - Dear ESSAY - In Memoriam

Men and Women in SA

NEXT EDITION—The June issue will be on the brave men and women working together on their common solution in the fellowship of Sexaholics Anonymous.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2024 | Topics: Coming Next - Courage to Change

I have been addicted to lust since the age of 14. I was in therapy twice, but I never spoke the truth. I have had several miracle experiences in my life (one really BIG) with my Higher Power, but my HP was judgmental and I feared admitting my addiction to anyone. I tried the white-knuckle method once each year by ridding the computer of porn stash, but I didn’t stop the fantasy and sex with self every day.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2024 | Topics: CFC - Courage to Change - Web Exclusive

برنامه معتادان جنسی گمنام هنوز در بیشتر زندان های سراسر جهان و ]ازجمله[ اروپا در دسترس نیست. اعتیادم مرا زندانی شهوت کرد. این وحشتناک بود که من به این فکر می کردم که با پیروی از شهوت، قید زندگیم را بزنم. نمی‌توانم تصور کنم که زندانی شهوت و هم‌زمان یک زندانی واقعی بودن چقدر سخت است

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2024 | Topics: Courage to Change - Featured Article

ما در انجمن، از یک شیوه بی نظیر جهت تغییر، مطلع می‌شویم. دعای آرامش ما،از « تمایل برای تغییر» ،صحبت می کند. در روزهای اولیه مان در برنامه،اعضای هوشیار با ما راجع به «داشتن اشتیاق و تمایل» برای تغییر، سخن می گویند

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2024 | Topics: Courage to Change - Featured Article

من در سال ۱۹۹۹ به SA آمدم.در شرایط بحرانی پس از یک دوره طولانی رفتار بد تکانشی که چند نفر را درگیر کرده بودم، اما درون خانواده خودم ویرانی را بجا گذاشته بود. من میزان ویرانی را متوجه نشده بودم، تا اینکه سالهای زیادی را با تمام قلبم در برنامه SA گذراندم

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2024 | Topics: Courage to Change - Featured Article

من ۴سال پیش به. SAآمدم. پیش از آن باور نداشتم که یک معتاد هستم. افکار خودکشی هر روزه آخرین ضربه ای بود که باعث شد من تسلیم شوم. بعد از شهوت (برون ریزی) احساس خوبی نداشتم فقط رنج عظیمی را احساس میکردم و نمیدانستم چه کار باید انجام بدهم یا چطور میتوانم به خودم کمک کنم .من همواره دعا میکردم خداوند راهی برای خلاصی از این وسواس فکری پیش پای من بگذارد

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2024 | Topics: Courage to Change - Featured Article

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