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I’m an 18-year-old virgin sexaholic. I came to SA in March 2006, worried I wouldn’t be accepted because I’ve never had actual sex. But at my first meeting I was assured that I was quite qualified.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2007 | Topics: Featured Article - Young & Sober

I love this quote: “In between black and white thinking is not grey; in between black and white thinking is where the colors are.” I want to share with you the rainbow that recovery has given me.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2007 | Topics: Being Single in SA - Featured Article - Women in SA

Six years ago, when I was 21, I was shocked to hear my counselor say he thought I was a sex addict. I was in college and trying to be cool and impress my friends. The last thing I wanted to be was a sex addict. But today I realize that his diagnosis was the turning point in my life.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2007 | Topics: Featured Article - Young & Sober

Some time ago I wrote to SA and requested your “Sponsor by Mail” service. I received a letter from a member of SA who is now my sponsor.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2007 | Topics: CFC

During meetings in July 2007 the Delegates tasked the Trustees in the following matters:

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2007 | Topics: What's Going On in SA

Today the world is adrift on a sea of rapidly shifting mores. Change is accelerating at an unprecedented rate. The last eighty years have surpassed the rate of change of the last eight thousand, and the last thirty have probably surpassed it all. Every aspect of our lives and sexual thinking are affected.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2007 | Topics: Featured Article

When I’m in my disease I cannot love anyone or anything. Making Ninth Step amends has helped me reach out to God, and God in return has enabled me to feel love for those I have harmed.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2007 | Topics: Steps & Traditions

As a child I had no exposure to healthy intimacy or communication. My parents had seven marriages between them, and seven children, two of whom I never met. My father left when I was three; my mother remarried when I was in my 20s.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2007 | Topics: Featured Article - Steps & Traditions

I’m a newcomer to SA. I attended my first meeting on June 20, 2007, in Yonkers, Pennsylvania. The fellowship has been an enlightening experience so far, and I look forward to more growth and understanding.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2007

Where does self-absorption begin? It just is. This is how I remember it: If a woman asked me for help, I would think, “If I help her, I may get a great smile from her, which I would interpret as her expressing approval of me.” I need approval.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2007 | Topics: Featured Article

Cancer. I hear the word and cringe. I’ve known people who have suffered the wrath of this relentless disease. Some have survived using prayers, surgeries, radiation, and chemo. Some survived one bout to suffer a miserable relapse (or even two or three relapses) years later.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2007

I just wrote the following statement in my journal, and it caused me to burst into tears: “A male friend called me on Monday and asked me how my job search was going.”

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2007 | Topics: Sobriety and Relationships - Women in SA

Recently, I had a painful experience that knocked me down mentally (I did manage to keep my physical sobriety thanks to the support of God and SA) and showed me once again how cunning, baffling, and powerful this disease is.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2007 | Topics: Women in SA

Recently, I took my four-year-old daughter fishing. We arrived at the secret fishing hole and set off to find an unoccupied spot. As we followed the wooded path near the calm water, I noticed a man lying in the underbrush.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2007

As I anticipated attending the 2007 Convention, I felt both excitement and fear. Excitement because the idea of meeting lots of new friends in recovery (including people I do service work with) sounded like great fun! But fear at the prospect of traveling to Maryland to meet these people, especially the men.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2007 | Topics: International Conventions - Men & Women in SA - Women in SA

The 2007 International Convention in Maryland was the first large SA gathering I had attended. I didn’t know what to expect or whether I would feel comfortable being around more than 500 people who are as sick as I am. But I was greatly encouraged by the honesty and sincerity of the people I heard sharing their stories in the breakout sessions.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2007 | Topics: International Conventions

I just got back from the SA International Convention in Maryland and it was wonderful! But it didn’t start out that way.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2007 | Topics: International Conventions - Women in SA

When I first came to SA in June 2002, I was miserable and I was single. I didn’t want to be miserable, and I sure didn’t want to be single! My divorce had been finalized just two months before I came to SA, and I was jealous and upset that my newly ex-husband had gotten engaged before the divorce was final.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2007 | Topics: Being Single in SA - Featured Article - SA Stories - Women in SA

Why is Chapter Four of Alcoholics Anonymous (44) entitled “We Agnostics” instead of “Those Agnostics” even though some of us entered the program already believing in God? Today, I believe that I act like an agnostic or atheist whenever I turn away from God.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2007 | Topics: Featured Article - SA Stories

“Pick up trash,” one guy glared.
“Donate to a shelter,” the old-timer shared.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2007 | Topics: Poems

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